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#802491 Chove Skin - 2K Res Only - FM24
Since the last update, the selected panels can be changed.
However, after each restart you reset yourself to the display as in the screenshot.
Please fix it
#801915 Chove Skin - 2K Res Only - FM24
Thank you for the latest update
Would it still be possible to make a version without a background selector?
Every time you restart you have to set up the background again.
That's a bit annoying, so it's better to have a solid dark background.
#801572 Chove Skin - 2K Res Only - FM24
I mean the circle in the photos
#801435 Chove Skin - 2K Res Only - FM24
First of all, thank you for your great work i like it.
For me your skin is almost perfect, the only thing I'm missing is the "%" circle like in the SAS Skin.
If you could add this it would be 100% Perfect in my opinion
#770504 Sas Skin 24
I made the changes according to your FAQ so that the display covers the entire screen, but after every switch between the highlights and the tablet, the tablet resets itself back to the starting position, i.e. it does not save the width setting