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#760908 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 SS'2023/24 Relink! (14/12/23)
I'm getting tired of answering this as its getting pointless. @Bielsa your comment about 7-8 has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm saying and you seem to have missed the point entirely. @benmmarsh, saying they always call it 1-6 after I've already stated that I'm new and have no idea what they normally do is just showing how your not even trying to understand and are just being a dick. I feel if I go any further I will just end up being banned for being insulting to a prick even though he started it, so I won't be reading this any further. By all means go ahead with your pointless bull.
PS. @feeliixx98, thanks for being the only poster to have any understanding.
#760880 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 SS'2023/24 Relink! (14/12/23)
Why shouldn't they call it 1-6 when it's missing 6? Do you even understand the concept of accuracy? I have never downloaded from this site before this week so have no way to know that they often post incomplete sets. And I felt insulted because your clearly an insulting jerk. You can criticise me for feeling overly butt-hurt if you like, but you could also try being a bit less of a twat while your at it. And your punctuation also sucks.
#760852 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 SS'2023/24 Relink! (14/12/23)
Or they could use some accuracy…Call it level 1-5 whilst it's only got 1-5 and rename it 1-6 once it's actually got 1-6. I hadn't noticed any mention of when or if the last tier was going to be included. I only downloaded it because I thought it was all 6 tiers. Didn't find that tier 6 was missing until I opened it. I wasn't going to reply to the 1st response to my question except possibly with an affirmation, but the 2nd reply felt insulting so here's my feelings on the matter.
#760733 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 SS'2023/24 Relink! (14/12/23)
Why is the download called England levels 1-6 when it only has 1-5?