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#793576 2020-2021 season update for FM 2007. Is there anyone still playing this legend version ?
1 year ago
5 months ago



No esta disponible el enlace.


Alguien puede pasarlo??


Mil gracias!

#763458 Football Manager 2007 R'07 Kits
1 year ago
5 months ago
By gabymilito 14 May 2018 - 23:22 PM UTC 

Yes, I know this is a very rare (and ancient) request, but I've looked everywhere with negative results. There's a Graphics Megapack 2.0 that I have and it's pretty good, but still some great kits made by guys like oscar7 or packmanch are missing. I know back in the day you could get them all, but now most of the sites have dead download links (wich is understandable). Please, if anyone can help me with this it would be really great! 


Hola! Ahora necesito yo tu ayuda.

Podrias pasarme logos y kits que tengas del FM07 por favor? Es mi juego favorito y no los encuentro por ningún sitio. 

Mil gracias! 

#763457 FM2007 Modifier / Save Game Editor
1 year ago
5 months ago
By tomd2303 18 April 2020 - 08:13 AM UTC 

Hi everyone, new member here but rest assured i'm a seasoned pro taking Scarborough to european glory in the early 2000's on CM2. I'm now currently in lockdown reliving an old favourite of mine FM2007 and have run into a few issues having not played it for a few good years and on the original 7.0.0 version with the mighty Owls flying high. Not wanting to start again I'm hoping, hopefully not in vain, that someone out there can put there hands on and send me a link to FM Modifier or Save Game Editor for this version of the game, to prevent years of hard work being lost?!

If there's anyone still out there, any help would be so so so welcome!


Muy buenas! 

Estoy igual que tú. Es mi juego favorito y estoy jugando aún. 

Tendrías los kits, logos y facepack para este juego?? 

Mil gracias 


#763456 Football Manager 2007 R'07 Kits
1 year ago
5 months ago
By Oscy 19 August 2018 - 00:37 AM UTC 

If you're still there, I don't know if they're R'07 or whatever, but I have kits for the major leagues except the Premier League (yet I have some other English club kits!).

In fact that's how I found this thread, since I was having another Google around hoping someone has the Premier League (during the 2006/07 season) kits. So if you have them we can even do swapsies! 


Hola, podrías pasarme todo lo que tengas del FM07? Es mu juego favorito por favor. 
