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#20903 Making a transfer is miracle...
Even if he is a real wonderkid in real life, which team will give 18M euros for him???
#20894 Making a transfer is miracle...
I've played with Arsenal and Galatasaray... And making a transfer is really hard.A players value is about 2.5-3M euro but his club wants 32M,or a young player valued at 1M but his club wants 20M etc....
I even tried some bargains that are listed by some people and still the same problem. I've read at some sites that some people are complaining about this also. (120 M was asked for Belhanda for example). One of my friend also tried a lot of players to transfer but always the same problem.(If the player is a wonderkind it is almost impossible)
So how we can buy a good player? (You may say try 48 months instalments but why would i give 32M for an ordinary player???) When I am playing Galatasaray I can not make any good transfers because the budget is 3.5M max...Also with Arsenal I only bought Martin Kelly from Liverpool for 9,5M and couldn't make any other transfers due to high prices...What is the point if we can't buy a good player???
Any opions????
#17155 Shiny 13 - New links and updated pack here at SOUSIE
#17152 Any torrent file ?