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#804637 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Marie Barraclough
I wouldn't say i solved it but i googled a couple of tricks and not sure it helped or not but it sped up the process.. (if it had anything to do with it ) i went into my system settings and knocking down the processor state under power management to 99% and also right clicking the RAR folder file and clicking the unblock box. My first extraction was still abit slow but i don't think i did said above before hand. the big face pack file however ended up extracting in about an hour which was a big improvement..
#803888 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Marie Barraclough
Hi, Im having an issue extracting from winRAR (also tried 7zip).. for some reason its taking ALOT longer than usual. iv used this torrent file before and had no problems originally now im having to start fresh due to needing a new pc and the first time i left it extracting over night only to come back to it the next day still going and saying 200+ hours left till extraction, iv tried a couple more times and from the off it slows down gradually increasing time to extract.
iv got a new motherboard, improved graphics card, better RAM, and a 1tb HD so i dont understand the issue? as it ran fine on my older set
#778432 Please help...
Marie Barraclough
Hi, im having trouble getting my kits to load in the dressing room before you load game and in games on the pitch, iv done something semi right as they show up on team info.. i used Fm kit creator to make them.. this is how my config ect looks…
#776864 FC’12 Template Area [v10.0]
Marie Barraclough
Yup, iv figured it out thank you 🙂
#776712 FC’12 Template Area [v10.0]
Marie Barraclough
I managed to create some kits on fmkitcreator.com .. but im not sure on how you get them into game, i have added them to the graphics folder an reloaded skin ect but its not worked..
#776666 How to add custom kits and logo to specific team?
Marie Barraclough
Hi, i have made my own kits and have a club badge, my question is how do i add them to replace the standard game choice of kit an logo??
i threw them into the graphics folder via the documents but im guessing i need to name them something specific?? or is it something i need to do with the in game editor?
any info would be helpful thanks
#776642 FC’12 Template Area [v10.0]
Marie Barraclough
Is this to create your own kits? if so, what programme do you need to do so ?
#776405 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Marie Barraclough
I do apologise, i just didnt know what i was doing or if i was posting in the correct place and i hadnt heard from anyone..
#776343 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Marie Barraclough
Can anybody sort me this kit please ? Wyke Wanderers AFC
#775868 Wyke Wanderers AFC Kits and logo REQUEST
Marie Barraclough
Absolutely magical thank you very much 😀
#775827 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
Marie Barraclough
Is it possible to get logo for Wyke Wanderers AFC please anyone or can point me in the right direction for said request ?
#775825 Wyke Wanderers AFC Kits and logo REQUEST
Marie Barraclough
Ah right, i posted in the FC 12 kits thread, im not getting any luck with this haha
#775753 Wyke Wanderers AFC Kits and logo REQUEST
Marie Barraclough
Really sorry if this is in the wrong place but iv scouted the forum an asked where i thought was acceptable and struggling to find an answer..
I am looking to start a new save but before i do i want the club badge and kits installed for my home village Wyke Wanderers AFC who play in the 10th tier (England) West Yorkshire premier division.
I have pics of home kit and badge but cant find anywhere the away kit but i can describe that its a red and black striped kit.
if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated 😀
#775750 FC'12 Download Area 2022/23
Marie Barraclough
Thank you, but it doesnt have the team i am wanting 😢
#775723 FC'12 Download Area 2022/23
Marie Barraclough
The link to this pack doesnt work for me ? i just get oopps errror message.. also does it have the kits for Wyke Wanderers AFC from the West Yorkshire Premier Division
#775722 FC'12 Kits Request Thread
Marie Barraclough
Is anybody able to help me, i'm after kits and logo for Wyke Wanderers AFC that play in the 10th tier in the west yorkshire premier division…
#775721 England level 10 graphics
Marie Barraclough
I willl try and give it ago thank you, im trying to get to grips navigating around the forum 😀
#775701 England - English Leagues Level 7-13 SS'2021/22 Relink! (13/11/22)
Marie Barraclough
is this thread still going?
id like kits and badge for Wyke wanderers afc that play in the west yorkshire premier div in tier 10 please if possible??
#775700 England level 10 graphics
Marie Barraclough
Yes iv noticed that myself.. do you know of anywhere i can download them?
#775546 England level 10 graphics
Marie Barraclough
I will have a look but not getting my hopes up…
It is next to low moor yes
#775542 England level 10 graphics
Marie Barraclough
Hi, I'm trying to find club crest and kits for level 10 in England. I'm wanting to start in tier 10 with Wyke Wanderers in the West Yorkshire division… is there such a thing to download?