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#787265 WTCS Gold
Hello. Just download and in the first Intra-squad match, only 7 subs randomly selected from the 10 I had chosen appeared on the lineup screen and during ingame substitution option. Is this by design since on the schedule info it says 15 subs allowed?
#737076 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Same happened to me. Just got FM23 > moved my facepack folder from FM21 to FM23 > did the reload skin tick/untick to check if it works > it did. Proceed to download update packs. Keep reloading skin after each update and everything was fine. Then when I got to FM22 latest updates pack, players stopped displaying images.
Reading the FAQ, it says there's a problem with FM22 torrent, but I didn't download the megapack. Just the smaller latest changes updates.
Everything else is working in my graphics folder for FM23 (kits, logos, trophies). The facepack seems to have a problem with the FM22 update.
So far, I managed to find one player who still have his image (so its not folder location problem). Anyway to fix this short of downloading the FM23 megapack?
Just a shame if I have to delete my current folder, been adding to it with latest changes updates since 2018 😢
#477448 Image finder thread - assistance in finding a source image
Cristian Casarini
Both from Parma. Not in the megapacks or did I made a mistake updating them? (11.9)