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#36419 Shiny 13 - New links and updated pack here at SOUSIE
I'm using the same action file. Just make sure to create background logos by running the ''shinyness'' action on the source image and then running the ''background l+r'' action. Doing it that way will ensure the best possible logo quality.
#36369 Shiny 13 - New links and updated pack here at SOUSIE
There is a slight difference. The ones you posted have blurry edges which happens when the images get re-sampled while enlarging them. That can be avoided if you create background logos from the original, high-res image instead of the smaller picture you get after running the 180x180 action in PhotoShop. Here's an example using one of the logos above.
Background logo created from a 180x180 px image:
Background logo created from the bigger source file:
As you can see, it's sharper and generally better looking.
#36262 Shiny 13 - New links and updated pack here at SOUSIE
I hate to be a perfectionist, but here's a slightly higher quality version, mainly of the background logo (probably useless, since FM 13 doesn't use them). ID : 5637855