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#685895 [FM22.4] Polish Leagues (8lvl) w/ U19 Leagues (5lvl)
premium w sensie, ze za oplata. Powiem szczerze, ze nie wiem ale raczej nie. Poprostu musisz byc zalogowany, aby moc pobierac z sortitoutsi wszystkie pliki
#685559 [FM22.4] Polish Leagues (8lvl) w/ U19 Leagues (5lvl)
w 3 czy 4 lidze bodajze (o to chodzi??) chyba rzeczywiscie mnie ponioslo z ta rejestracja. Mozna to tylko w Rules w Edytorze zmienic w rozgrywkach. Zniknie to w kolejnym update, jak i zawodnik U21 w ‘11’ w klasach A i B i limit obcokrajowcow. Bedziemy bardziej urzeczywistniac rozgrywki do tych co panuja.
#685557 [FM22.4] Polish Leagues (8lvl) w/ U19 Leagues (5lvl)
to nie sa torrenty. Normalnie pobierz tu przez link jako normalny download, pozniej umiesc pliki w odpowiednich folderach Football Managera w dokumentach
#685556 [FM22.4] Polish Leagues (8lvl) w/ U19 Leagues (5lvl)
Pobierz tu z download ‘aaa DzuM Update.rar’ to jest logopack 😉 moze powinienem go w sumie bardziej wyraziscie nazwac ;]
#685086 [FM22.4] Polish Leagues (8lvl) w/ U19 Leagues (5lvl)
Jesli chodzi o finanse klubow to wszystkie sa random (oprocz wts weszlo ktore dostalo 4,5 mln). Moze miec to cos wspolnego z:
a) reputacja klubu
b) reputacja ligi w ktorej wystepujesz
c) wlasciciele klubu nie pozwalaja na wyzsze wynagrodzenie
Jak juz korzystasz z edytora to sprawdz: w zakladce finanse zeby max wynagrodzenie nie bylo (albo sam wpisz automatycznie wieksze); podciagnij sobie reputacje klubu na ok 2000.
#684787 [FM22.4] Polish Leagues (8lvl) w/ U19 Leagues (5lvl)
Bardzo dziwne nie powiem, az nie chce mi sie wierzyc. Generalnie kazde miasto, ktore tworzylem dostalo jezyk polski, aczkolwiek miasta ktore juz w FMie byly (jak np. Klodzko) nie maja zadnego jezyka w ustawieniach:
Wiec nie wiem czy gra sama sobie uzupelnila jako francuski (ale byloby to bardzo bardzo dziwne gdy jest kraj jako Polska etc…)
#684635 [FM22.4] Polish Leagues (8lvl) w/ U19 Leagues (5lvl)
Tak, takie fantasy wyszlo ze wzgledu ze to w zasadzie moj pierwszy taki duzy projekt, a i tez stworzyc wszystkie kluby to mnostwo czasu. A i tez sie jeszcze ucze editora. Ale ze spokojem zostaly juz podjete prace, aby w przyszlosci bylo bardziej realistycznie…
#684634 [FM22.4] Polish Leagues (8lvl) w/ U19 Leagues (5lvl)
w prawym rogu download, pozniej nalezy przeniesc plik do folderu FMa w Dokumentach
#684432 [FM22.4] Polish Leagues (8lvl) w/ U19 Leagues (5lvl)
wrzuciles plik do folderu database w dokumentach football managera, i nie uzywasz zadnych innych dodatkow zmieniajacych polska lige?
#683836 [FM22.4] Polish Leagues (8lvl) w/ U19 Leagues (5lvl)
ver 4: Update for 22.4
- Added over 500 clubs (most of them with random reputation and training facilities, but the year founded and colours as well as stadiums are real - source 90minut)
- Added club eg. WTS Weszlo (the new project founded few years ago with 'socios' as co-owners who collected 4,5 mln PLN in 90 minutes)
- Football Academies got Coaching and Facilities with awarded stars by PZPN (LaczyNasPilka): 18-16 Gold, 15-13 Silver and 12-10 Bronze
- Added few youth players w/ DoB 2005 & 2006 (PA -6, one got -7,5 and 2 -8)
- Michal Zuk is in the game with PA -10 (for the first couple of years game shows he's 14 yo but in 2023 time starts ticking)
- Regional Cups
- All clubs got Regional Division, but it happens (mostly in 3. & 4. Liga) that they gor moved due to more relegations than promotions in Regional Divison as the number of teams in leagues is fixed
- Logo Pack with competition now fully ready to download. I started working on club Logos as well. KITSPACK by Whydack (unpacked like usual graphics\pictures)
- play with 'Add Players to Playable Teams' for more fun as club with 5. and lower are currently 'empty'
#682331 [FM22.4] Polish Leagues (8lvl) w/ U19 Leagues (5lvl)
#680381 Reserve Teams move from league to U19 league
I think I might have found a solution to it. I need to run few more test and make it fixed amount of teams in leagues, but II teams don't move to U19 leagues anymore. Main leagues (especially the lower ones) just go shorter after a year, but I'll test min/max variations and make all divisions fixed as well as close the lowest inactive division, so the amount of teams in particular league is locked. So I think we can close this thread 😃😃…
#680267 Reserve Teams move from league to U19 league
Hi, I started creating db with polish lower leagues, and I've noticed a problem. Some Second Teams after a season or so, move to created U19 league. I tried everything what I could think of but it always end up same. Here how I built it.
So each team got created U19 Team and (most of them) II Team.
Each of the II teams are allocated in leagues.
And each of the U19 is also allocated in U19 League.
Each of the U19 divisions got type U19 Division
Rules are created as U19 Divisions
I've created U19 Cup for all those U19 leagues, and it seems II teams don't appear in it, as it is set as youth cup. They only appear (as soon as) after a season in U19 4. Liga. I simulated for a season few times and it always happens, and because I set leagues on fixed some of them don't play for a season or so (not enough teams). Whenever I set flexible with minimum and maximum teams needed, it's obvious, they are short. (Here 2. Liga with 16 teams instead of 18 as 2 of them were moved to U19 4. Liga)
Those II Teams always appear on this 5th tier of this U19 League I created (It's lowest ‘playable’).
It's only few of them that are moved (usually total of 7-9).
Does anyone got any idea how can this be fixed, so they don't get moved to U19 Leagues and stay in Normal Leagues? I'm just running out of ideas what else I could make/try to make it work properly…
I rebuilt the whole rules twice.
I experimented with type of the divisions.
I tried fixed rules as well as flexible with team min/max.
All leagues double-checked for teams needed.
What also let me think, but I don't know if it matters, when I convert to Advanced rules and test it, it always goes that U19 3. Liga is short of teams (common error what's weird without changes sometimes says 2 teams short, sometimes 3 or even 4), but teams got moved to U19 4. Liga. It tests completely fine on basic rules.
Wow! Now it's even 4 short, but did test on basic once again.
Anyone can help with it? Any ideas?