FM24 Real Name Fix
FM23 Real Name Fix
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Fantasy Football
#576430 FM2021 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.0 for FM21.4 [released on 16/03/2021]
Can confirm it works perfect!
#575273 FM2021 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.0 for FM21.4 [released on 16/03/2021]
I have many new publications and sources listed! Have actually had two months of football PR in Brazil and Chile this fall so RL experience helps 🙂 - will ping you in PM. And on behalf of all of us and on behalf of the people at SIGAMES who should be elevating you on a pedestal thank you for not flaking out year in and year out on us! The most long running update in the world, and VITAL to the game.
#574710 FM2021 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.0 for FM21.4 [released on 16/03/2021]
Thank you! Do you need more media files from me? Its been 150 years since we made the original 🙂
#574703 FM2021 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.0 for FM21.4 [released on 16/03/2021]
#450737 FM2019 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM19 v3.0 [released 01/03/2019]
#450669 FM2019 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM19 v3.0 [released 01/03/2019]
#363145 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
#363135 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
I have been modding FM for over a decade, and other games for over 20 years. I CANNOT TOLERATE THAT PEOPLE GET ANGRY WITH MONS - he is taking his time to do something very important for us all, for me FM would be UNPLAYABLE without his work, and I don't have the focus in my life now to do what he does myself.
Please be more respectful of the modder, I just have to say... its a classic modern negative attitude that we should all reflect on and temper a bit.
Thanks for keeping the running Mons! Like I said, I wouldn't buy FM without it
#330666 FM2016 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v3.2 for FM16.3.1 [07/04/2016]
Why am I still getting 3-letter names for Brazillian teams? Example INT or SPL? Do you know what I could be doing wrong?
#316581 FM2016 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v3.2 for FM16.3.1 [07/04/2016]
It should be coming out before the end of Feb right?
#315132 FM2016 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v3.2 for FM16.3.1 [07/04/2016]
#167151 Backgrounds Megapack Support
I cant get the latest two update packs because the mirror is trying to bypass my antivirus
#116926 FM 2014 Media Update
#116524 Team kits on tactics screen - FM14
#116522 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
I am using all my kits from FM2013 - and strange things happen, as for example only third kits appear, but in general 70% of the kits appear.
I downloaded new 13/14 kits as well.
#116519 FM 2014 Media Update
#115426 FM 2014 Media Update
#115376 Football Manager 2014 Media port from FM13
#114399 FM 2014 Media Update
#114316 FM 2014 Media Update
Yes it is, its a simple database file, but requires a new game.
#114243 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]
#52444 [FM13] [RELEASED] Alavanja 13 Pro + FCK Skin
#52443 [FM13] [RELEASED] Alavanja 13 Pro + FCK Skin
#52400 Japanese National Team and J.League Part I by Asterix
Affirmative. Not rulling the football world, but we are talking about average Japanese National team playes being on par with first team Romanian or Greek players. That is why this belongs together with my large update, it gets put in a correct perspective frame that way. Also, I can't edit the hard code to actually impose Japanese salary caps.
#52095 FMC Stadium Update Pack 2
#52092 [FM13] [RELEASED] Alavanja 13 Pro + FCK Skin
#46934 Asterix's Complete Data Overhaul
Yes, missing national team and u21 players, also my Japanese updates creates 60 plus Japanese (and other nationalities of top J.League players)
#46381 Japanese National Team and J.League Part I by Asterix
#45918 Asterix's Complete Data Overhaul
This is not all encompassing but one angle of looking at the core changes:
80000 changes, which improve underrated players (especially in Africa and South America, although all major European leagues)... giving much more interesting transfer prospects, making national team management exponentially more interesting (really giving you dilemmas on who to choose for many positions), giving leagues like Italy, Serbia, all of South America and Mexico or Montenegro, Bosnia, Macedonia, Greece and Turkey (and so many other leagues) Russia and Ukraine as well.
It also makes the game a lot more varied every time you play, since the game engine makes slumps rather dramatic, even very good teams (with very good players) can be fighting relegation. SI decreases player quality in weaker teams and makes players in big teams twice as good. This makes their data very inconsistent, and makes players much much worse in the game in real life. Examples of underrated players last season (FM 2012 since I don't want to give away what only your scouts can help you with in my update
Welbeck, Pandev, German Denis (SI got one of of Serie A's best players completely wrong), Guardado, Gio dos Santos, El Hamdaoui and many many more.
The update also fixes the economy, well to the current crisis state, but also redoes all of the mechanics for South and Central America. Chairmen are more greedy and corrupt, fans much more impatient, passionate and disorder-prone, and the work ethic and professionalism (lack off) more than makes up for the greater amout of raw talent. SI did a terrible terrible job with Ecuadorean, Colombian (like Serbia a league of generic 10-10-10 players) Chile and Paraguay. This makes South American competitions borked, and Brazil overrated (I dont reduce Brazillian quality, but make it much more rounded all the way to Serie C, with interesting talented players everywhere based on real skill and success rate, not CA's need to diminish anything un-English).
This update does a lot more... but I am hooked
#44677 Asterix's Complete Data Overhaul
Pop it into the user-editor file in your windows user-documents folder
And start a new game ticking it