paul_snoops - Comments

#87038 Manager pic birthday in config
12 years ago
5 months ago

Apologies if this has been answered before, I cannot find anything about it.

When using an xml file to put your manager pic into the game does the birthday method still work for FM13?

i.e. <record from="me" to="graphics/pictures/person/name surname 3-11/portrait"/>

The reason I'm asking is that I have a few saves which I started with different pictures that I don't want anymore and the only way I can change them is by using the unique IDs from each save in the xml file. It's a pain in the ass. So does the birthday method still work and am I doing it wrong?

#75263 Nuu
12 years ago
5 months ago
Hi, great skin. However, how could I change just one color? On the message inbox for scouting reports etc.

This one:

Thank you