FM24 Real Name Fix
FM23 Real Name Fix
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FM24/25 Update Wonderkids
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FM24/25 Update Players to avoid
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#804605 All my skins, logo and some graphic mods is not loaded after update
try to remove .ds_store file
#804428 SI have updated FM24! But only to remove licensed clubs 🤦♂️ Here's how to quickly fix it
Hi guys, just found a fix by myself, you have to remove .DS_Store folder, which seem like it will generate by the game itself sometime. Removing this file, will enable logo and team name back to normal. Not sure if it's cause anything to game itself, just copy at some where else.
#804395 SI have updated FM24! But only to remove licensed clubs 🤦♂️ Here's how to quickly fix it
it's work a couple of hours ago. and after i shut my laptop down and went back from dinner, its back to normal where name and logo disappear. A couple of hrs ago i applied the fix and it's back to normal, with real logo and name. shut down and went back from dinner, it's became fake name and logo, reapply the fix, still not working. Pls help…