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#183446 Original 'Only Commentary'
#183429 Dominated in games
I'm currently playing a diamond system with players all in their correct positions with a short passing and pressing tactic with a high temp.
Been winning in pre-season pretty comfortably against decent teams. Yet my first two home games i've been beat comfortably
Liverpool 2-4 Southampton
Liverpool 2-4 Stoke
I score plenty of goals just keep conceding and i seem to let the opposition have way too many shots
First game shots Me 7 Opposition 33
Second game shots Me 14 Opposition 28
This is way too many shots for an away team to have. Just wouldnt mind some ideas on how to restrict the opposition from taking too many shots
Funnily enough my possession is always way more than theirs. Usually 65/35.
#182969 Transparent skin
#182967 Stadium pics during match
#182917 Transparent skin
I'm using the Steklo skin at the moment as it's the only one out of the ones i have tried that seems to have full compatibility with the background stadium pics. They all seem to work perfectly during the match when 3D and 2D is switched off so you can see the stadiums like old school times. (much better in my opinion than seeing dots or stick men run around).
My question though is is there anyway to make the panels during the match transparent so you can see the stadiums clearly? You could on FM13
This screenshot is from Alavanja 13 millionaires skin from last seasons FM. You can see how the transparent panels make the background stadium pics more clear. Obviously that's the 3D pic in the back but you can still see how transparent the panels are
#182874 Stadium pics during match
#182869 Stadium pics during match
Thanks for the reply.
Yeah, managed to get them showing now even when you click on the premier league it shows Wembley in the background, looks nice. But like you said you can only just make them out. I'm using the Steklo skin as that seems to be the only one i've tried that it works with. I've googled transparent skins but it seems like there are none out that are compatible yet with stadium megapacks. Shame because these stadium pics look amazing.
Do you know if people have given up making transparent skins or are they just too hard to make these days? I know they made transparent ones to show the background pics before.
#182675 Stadium pics during match
Apologies if this has been posted before. I know SI don't have the license to use stadium pics anymore when the match is playing via the match engine.
Since then people have created their own stadium pics and normally you just download them to your graphics folder and voila as soon as i play a game my stadium pic appears just like if i'm playing away from home e.g. away to Arsenal then the Emirates will appear. I don't use the 2d and 3d match engine because i'd rather see the stadium pics as the match is being played than dots or stick men.
How do you get it so the stadium pics appear in the background during the game? I don't mean just on the club info screen i mean during the match engine
I've downloaded a stadium mega-pack but that doesn't seem to be showing up in the match screen so whether or not that's just designed for the club info screen i'm not too sure
I know it's been done in all other FM since they lost the license to put them in themselves
The attached pic is what i mean for example, looks far cooler than dots and stick men
#182577 Original 'Only Commentary'
Used to love them when the match was being played. Gutted they took the ability away, thanks for your help though
#182573 Original 'Only Commentary'
#182571 Original 'Only Commentary'
#182567 Original 'Only Commentary'
Ah cheers, give me a couple of minutes and i'll upload a pic
#182565 Original 'Only Commentary'
#182562 Original 'Only Commentary'
It's showing it for the whole match, also i've just noticed when you go to the settings in game, the camera is defaulted to 2d but it's greyed out so you can't change it, highlight mode is still set for only commentary but camera is 2d and greyed out. Ta
#182560 Original 'Only Commentary'
Thanks for the quick reply. I changed it a couple of hours ago to only commentary. Do you think you have to start again with a new game or reload the skin or something? Still shows a 2d match with no background pic, thanks
#182554 Original 'Only Commentary'
Don't mean to be a pain if this has been answered time and time again and feel free to move this to the appropriate area if necessary.
I've just bought FM14 recently but can't seem to turn off the 2D and 3D match engines and have it old school like when you had the stadium pics in the background and just the text commentary in the middle through the match. I've searched through a few forums and people are saying make sure you switch to only commentary within preferances>highlights and turn off 3d match which i've done, also i've set it for report but i still get the 2d match with no stadium background pics.
Can you tell me if i'm doing something wrong? In the earlier versions of the game, you could toggle to text only commentary as the match was in play
Appreciate any help