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#720255 FM Touch Apple Arcade
babak g
Thanks a lot
#720250 FM Touch Apple Arcade
babak g
And when I delete the app do all the pictures get deleted and I have to redo the whole 12 hour iTunes picture transfer one more time?
#720085 FM Touch Apple Arcade
babak g
Hi everyone, great thread. Can someone link me to a working kits megapack which would load up?
Also, anyone figured out the name fix solution for Ipad Arcade FM 23 Touch?
#644827 FM Touch 19 (iOS) Real Names Fix
babak g
Ya but playing on PC and Ipad are two different matters. I've read from a few people that it's possible to get the license fix to work but I can't for the life of me find any tutorial.
#644613 FM Touch 19 (iOS) Real Names Fix
babak g
Ouch that's sad then having just forked out 22 Euros to get the game and spending hours trying to move graphics. Names are psychologically essential. Not sure why I read somewhere it would be possible if the ipad was jail broke.
#644611 FM Touch 19 (iOS) Real Names Fix
babak g
Doesnt seem to be though
I searched through that whole thread… 😢
#644579 FM Touch 19 (iOS) Real Names Fix
babak g
Is there a fix for Ios cause its not listed?
#409726 FM2018 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM18.3.0 [v2.1 released on 05/04/2018]
babak g
#404493 FM2018 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM18.3.0 [v2.1 released on 05/04/2018]
babak g
Ive tried everything and despite removing hashtags the club names arent correct. None of the competitions names are correct either. It works on FM 18 but not FMT 18.
#369198 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
babak g
#229694 FM2015 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.0 for FM15.3.0 [25/02/2015]
babak g
#229692 FM2015 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.0 for FM15.3.0 [25/02/2015]
babak g
Also Gladbach is BMG. I dont think they are supposed to be like that either.
#229688 FM2015 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.0 for FM15.3.0 [25/02/2015]
babak g
#115352 Megapack - Missing image request thread
babak g
Sorry but Im not sure what you mean. I was just responding to mons who said to provide cuttable pictures for the request. Arent these cuttable?
#115319 Megapack - Missing image request thread
babak g
Lavelle http://www.rovers.co.uk/team/academy/sam_lavelle.aspx
George Pierce http://www.rovers.co.uk/team/academy/george_pierce.aspx
Torres http://www.rovers.co.uk/team/academy/yeray_torres.aspx
Edo http://www.rovers.co.uk/team/academy/adrian_edo.aspx
Joel http://www.rovers.co.uk/team/academy/sam_joel.aspx
Jacobs http://www.rovers.co.uk/team/academy/devante_jacobs.aspx
#114344 Megapack - Missing image request thread
babak g
Sam Lavelle - 29128510
Mark Edgar - 29128506
George Pierce - 29128511
Yeray Torres - 29128514
Adrian Edo - 29128505
Sam Joel - 29128508
Devante Jacobs - 29128507
All play for Blackburn Rovers
#111319 Request a cutout of your own image for the manager avatar
babak g
#111254 Request a cutout of your own image for the manager avatar
babak g
#110480 Request a cutout of your own image for the manager avatar
babak g
Tried to myself but cant get it right at 180 x 180 proportionally.
#110210 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
babak g
#110168 FMC Stadium Superpack
babak g
#110166 Megapack - Improvement Image request thread - NEW RULES IN OP
babak g
Not sure if this is the right thread but will the "new" players added in FM14 (namely youngsters) be included in the next update? If so when's that gonna happen?
#104505 Some kits not working? new SSKCC v12.3 for FM13 [30/09/2013]
babak g
#104499 Some kits not working? new SSKCC v12.3 for FM13 [30/09/2013]
babak g
#104489 Some kits not working? new SSKCC v12.3 for FM13 [30/09/2013]
babak g
#104473 Some kits not working? new SSKCC v12.3 for FM13 [30/09/2013]
babak g
However, I have the same problem with PSV's home kit as it doesnt show up. Are you aware of this problem?
In fact, a template (full red) wider kit shows up not the SS. I dont know why.
#72193 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
babak g
Is it specifically the kit color changes file or also the club, national and competition color pack too?
#61056 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
babak g
#60473 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
babak g
You mean its something SI has done?
#59980 FM13 Real Names Fixes File - FINAL - v1.4 [21/3/2013] for 13.3 patch
babak g