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#329570 Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Football League
"I can't see anything about the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus which screams "illegal regimes which violate human rights, international law". "
Nothing apart from UN Security Council decision, and European Court of Human Rights and European Court of Justice decisions... apart from the fact that you are criminally prosecuted in the UK if they find that you hold a land registry of TRNC.
I would insist of changing at least the topic from Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to something else. TRNC is an illegal entity!!! Is not about political debate.... It is illegal.. you have to distinguish between the two. Your comparison to Gibaltar, Crimea is wrong, they are totally different situations. Use the word Turkishcypriot league, but not the name Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
I'm talking to you in a friendly tone and I'm not screaming. But I will tell you something again in a friendly tone... ignorance sometimes make us to take the wrong decisions.
#329530 Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Football League
So if someone creates a fictional league named the "ISIS League" or the "Third Reich league" will you accept it? It's an illegal regime in the north of Cyprus and the league is banned from FIFA , UEFA and international football. TRNC is an illegal state and its "flag" is prohibited. Illegal regimes which violate human rights, international law should be prohibited from anywhere. I don't want to mix politics with football manager but some stuff are sensitive for some people and you should respect that!
#322295 Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Football League