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#770849 Adding a New Nation in the FM Editor
Hi, I also have enjoyed being able to add local regions into my FL save on the past. I followed the method of extracting using the FM22 Resource Archiver, edited the “db record lists” file, set the add line to “true” where it had said false, re-archived. After several attempts I was finally able to get the pre-game editor to allow the addition of new local regions.
I am posting my edited comp editor.fmf here and hoping it can be of use to anyone who wants the ability to add local regions in the pre-game editor. This file should be placed in c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\footballmanager2022\data, replacing the exising comp editor.fmf file.
#760213 Real Database FM 2022 Italy DB Serie D
I experienced this same error when trying to verify for 22.4.0. I was able to get it to work by creating/editing a relegation playoff in the U20 Primvera 3 division, so that the number of relegations matches the number of promotions from U20 Primavera 4 division. Here is my .fmf file.
NOTE: I had added the AFC Richmond (Ted Lasso) .fmf data file to this Italian file, so my file includes that fantasy team, Richmond, in the Premier League. If you are using this with England Premier League then this is a departure from real life. Just for full disclosure sake.
#702348 Continental Superleagues
¡Que buena idea tienes!
Would it be possible to also present the files in .xml format?
The pre-game editor will not read .fmf files – it's a known bug that may have had. I wanted to learn more about how these leagues are set up using the editor's advanced rules.
Thank you and great job!
#533067 Canadian Megapatch