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nice skin mate <3
Thank you very much buddy, Which version do you prefer? Dark or Light?
I liked the light one better, although the dark one is more updated (club menu and staff profiles).
kei takeshi
beautiful skin, I love the light skin, thank you.
thank you very much Mate !!
Do you plan to release updates? I think some panels have a few issues.
yes i will release updates very soon . let me know if you have infos about the issues of panels
I understand that when you were going to make a light skin, you just didn't understand the time it would take. 😀
Thanks Hope you like it !
no. objectively the skin is just awful. but for a first try it's okay 👍
thank you for your feedback,
Did you do the settings like I mentioned , correctly?
what was bad about it?
first and foremost - there is no original idea. besides, there is no single style, it is immediately clear that the panels are pulled from different skins with different appearances. the light skin is too pastel with poor contrast between the background and foreground. catastrophic amount of white text on a light background, etc.
I think you understand all this yourself.
not actually , my skins have base to my idea and other skins like Mustermann priisek etc.
the whole idea was to make something that I like, and i am happy to give it to you too, I completely disagree with what you say,
as I see most of your comments on the posts are critical so I understand you don't like a lot of things.
but thank you very much for the Feedback.
The first step to improvement is to be honest with yourself. People who make skins "just the way I like them" don't make dark and light skins at the same time, especially with different functionality. And they don't care what others think about their skins. You did the first and you're interested in the second. You thought you'd get a wow reaction, but you got criticism and for some reason you started arguing… 🙄
did I make a mistake with the fact that you have a lot of white text on a white background in a light skin? or maybe you removed the mustarmann banner from the start page? or maybe you got all the permissions to use other people's panels? 🤗
of course i have.
I left the banners from different skins that I got things exactly for the respect because they are my favorites , skins and their creators.
if you dont like the skin its okay .
dont play with it.
Like i said, i saw your comments in other posts and the only thing you do is talking bad to the people so…
goodnight .
Keep it up, bro!
Damien 14
Love it, keep it up! you have to start from somewhere in life.
Thank you very much brother !! <3
Bielsa is a legend
nice work, nobody has really cracked a 24 light skin, so hats off to you
ignore Yurchuck, not sure he has issued any skins!!!!
thank you a lot mate <3
I will work on other stuff as well and any real comments and suggestions will be highly appreciated!!
Wan Ito
Hey dude, nice skin, but i have a problem, the scoreboard is bugged. I use the dark version.
Thank you for info guys . New update coming soon!!!
Damien 14
What new stuff will there be in the new update 😀 ?
(NEW UPDATE COMING V5): several changes and mainly more information in the analysis, such as Xgoal .
A very noticeable try of various skins , truly worth the download, nevertheless there are many bugs such as right foot at player overview barely visible, same panel at contract section lines one over the other .
and one if I may . You have to many info at over view panel and to little to customise, you need to implement more stats as stag fm or statman ….or similar . Keep the good work going …
And one tip ignore the good reviews arm with strength from the bad reviews and keep going with stubbornness and persistence
@ItsRisC The skin is great, but I have a problem that I can't choose the stats for each player position. Could you please help me to make it possible to choose in the next update?
"Next update" happens to a person who creates their own skin. A thief who grabbed various panels from different skins and called it "their own" doesn't have such a thing. They are simply incapable of solving any issues because they don't understand how the skin works or what to change. They haven't even shown the slightest respect for potential users and didn't bother to review what they ended up with. 🥴
Who stole who's what? I don't know at all.