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#721937 [FM23] Scotland - Scottish Lower League Kits (3D & Standard) 2022-23
Happy to help in anyway I can! @BabaYaga89 (or step aside if someone else is already on it!)
@priority76 can do! Just bundled it into a zip the quickest way possible, can split in two!
#721928 [FM23] Scotland - Scottish Lower League Kits (3D & Standard) 2022-23
Thanks both, have updated my post with the files and details.
#721840 [FM23] Scotland - Scottish Lower League Kits (3D & Standard) 2022-23
Scottish Lower League Kits (3D & Standard)
Complete kits home, away and third (where they apply) for all 18 Highland League teams in both 3D and Standard style. Also includes database to fix a few colour issues in the original database.
Some of the sleeve & back sponsorships I've taken some artistic licence with to leave room for sleeve patches & player names as you guide your team up the leagues.
Designed to work with the Scottish Pyramid Database. Thanks to MozzaPlays on Twitch for the insporation!
Obviously a huge thanks to @hammer9 @bolid74 @wfm18 @DokteurHaisse for their years of template and graphics work that I've merely built on top of.
And a shout out to @BabaYaga89 ‘s FC’12 kits that are of a FAR higher quality that these! I guess many people might want to use the 3D kits from this pack with the static images from theirs!
Hope everyone enjoys, I'm off to start on the Lowland League!
#384077 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Dumbarton Home:
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
(away staying the same)