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#615858 SS' Fantasy Kits Request Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Stunning! Not even my request, but might start a Hammer save game...
#614349 SS' Fantasy Kits Request Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Brand: Nike
Badge: Spezia Calcio Badge
Sponsor: Unicef
Kit colors should be the same as in FM: White, Black and Blue Spezia kit
Thanks in advance.
#555978 SS' Fantasy Kits Request Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Goodmorning lads, thought I'd post this again, as it might have got lost on the last few pages. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
#554034 SS' Fantasy Kits Request Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Home: Home The stripes should be yellow and bleu
Away: Away Necklace should be round and the colors on the necklace should be changed in blue as well for the end of the sleeve
Third: Third Only the badge should change
Badge: Leeds United
Thanks in advance.
#478738 SS' Fantasy Kits Request Thread (NO REAL KITS)
I've a request for an West Ham kit. Want the kit in a Nike shirt and the Sponsor should be the logo of Audi. Keep all the colors even the colors of the West Ham badge in the away shirt and the third shirt. The only little thing I would like to adjust is the third kit. On the sleeve there's this blue and red stripes, which I would like to see to have it at the end of the sleeve instead of somewhere in the middle of the sleeve like they have it now.
Once again thanks in advance. Looking forward for the kits
#478708 SS' Fantasy Kits Request Thread (NO REAL KITS)
First of all, I think back in 2013 I never thanked that you made those for me. Better late than never, so once again thank you! I've been using these since every FM that I've been playing.
This year I started a season with Leicester City and I'm willing to have some changes with their Kits. I'm still not sure if it should be UMBRO or Nike. Hopefully someone is able to help me around here.
Home: Keep the kit the same as it is, but only get those lines out of the kit. You see them right now on front of their Adidas kit.
Away: I want this one to be the same as the Lyon one above. I would like to have the Badge to be normal and not colored as on the Adidas kit.
3 This kit I want to have it the same as the Lyon home one above. The white kit should have te same stripes but than in blue and orange/gold (samen color as the Leicester logo).
Dont change their sponsor (King Power).
Once again thank you so much. Looking forward to see the kits.
#122523 SS' Fantasy Kits Request Thread (NO REAL KITS)
I really would love to have 3 NIKE Kits all in round collar.
Home: Just like the Man City away (White) Kit. White with the blue and red colours of Lyon, and UNICEF as the Sponser in black written, just like the NIKE on the KIT in black.
Away Just like the Man U away shirt that one in darkblue with the black stripes on it. Logo, Nike and Unicef should be written/placed in white.
3 The colour should be the same as the Juventus yellow kit one, but w/o the collar. Logo, should be in normal colours, Unicef and Nike should be written/placed in black. (On this Juventus yellow kit, there's this black and white stripes on the collar and on the sleeves, i would like to see them in just blue ).
Thanks guys, for taking your time to make this "fantasy" kit. Sorry about my crap english, still working on it