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#323601 Germany - Bundesliga 3D'2015/16 Relink! (02/04/15)
Yes, I know, but it's just to report it.
#323581 Some kits not working? SSKCC16.3.2 v3.3 for SS'2015/16 kits on FM16 only [29/07/2016)
Yeah, it just takes 3 seconds to fix. If you need the file immediately, I can make it for you, or I can explain it...if you know how to use the editor. If not, just wait for next release from Hammer.
#323578 Some kits not working? SSKCC16.3.2 v3.3 for SS'2015/16 kits on FM16 only [29/07/2016)
Yeah, it doesn't work. Just because it has 2 duplicate third kits in the database. Same problem had Flamengo Away kit. I don't know how "database staff" can make some errors...
Anyway, it's very easy to fix.
#323571 Germany - Bundesliga 3D'2015/16 Relink! (02/04/15)
Just make and update to include also Frankfurt new third kit you posted above, please.
#323410 Some kits not working? SSKCC16.3.2 v3.3 for SS'2015/16 kits on FM16 only [29/07/2016)
@wpgpars Home kit of Zurich, works for me.
#323406 FM2016 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v3.2 for FM16.3.1 [07/04/2016]
Ok, I figured it out. 6 letters name is automatically changed based on the short name. Thanks
#323399 FM2016 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v3.2 for FM16.3.1 [07/04/2016]
Thanks mate. What about six letters name? Can be changed in lnc file?
#323368 FM2016 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v3.2 for FM16.3.1 [07/04/2016]
With the game in italian, Swiss teams have the name translated in italian. Zurigo instead of FC Zurich, San Gallo instead of FC St.Gallen, etc..
All other teams of the game, have their original name and not translated in italian.
I just want that Zurich is still Zurich also in italian language, and not Zurigo.
French, German, English teams still have their original name in italian version.
#220823 [FM15] Transfers & Data Update Packs by pr0
Source: http://www.transfermarkt.it/nicolo-amoruso/profil/spieler/240243
Data Issues section: http://community.sigames.com/forumdisplay.php/430-Football-Manager-2015-Data-Issues
#215618 Default Logos 2014 Megapack
LARGER http://www.ascolipicchio.com/images/site/logo.png
#215068 Serie A Real Fixtures 2014-2015
#119458 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]
#118992 Standard Logos 2013/2014 [CM Revolution]
Wow! But don't make logos that you already put in packs.
#118958 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]
Cristiano Ronaldo? You have all players with wrong name.
#118957 Schweigi's Standard Logos
Thanks. I really appreciate if you can write near every nation also the date you added it. I forgot what I have xD
#118825 3D kits Technical Help Thread
#118176 DF11 Megapack & Updates
Thank you very much!
#117741 Suggestions to create custom fixtures?
#117650 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
Thank you very much for Serie B logo.
About other logos, both the Schweig and CM revolution hasn't intern'l competition logos.
The other one has competitions, but seems to be a little outdated and I already have some other logos. I'm too lazy to select one per one what logos I need.
p.s. What are intended for the left and right variant of logos? I can't see it in the game.
#117629 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
#117451 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]
Yes!! This is what I need! I remember this feature in old FM Editor, but after 2 years that I don't use it, I forgot how to make it.
Where is the changes tab, it's enough to click on the change and then on "Remove" button?
I downloaded a custom database, and I like it except for the fact that he changed also financial situations of a few Clubs. If I go in the cvhange tab, there are these financial changes. Can I simply click on "Remove" or I have to go in the Finance tab?
#117438 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]
#117384 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]
Are necessary or I can delete completely the zzz JPN name fixes (eng).Inc file?
#117365 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]
See in the top right corner of the editor if there is the name of the mod. If yes, you simply have to use the editor normally. There isn't a special section for edited things.
If my memory works fine, I remember FM 12/13 editor had a list of edited things, but this year there isn't.
#117358 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]
dbc filles can be opened with Editor.
#117351 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]
See my answer to Keani in post with date November 07, 2013 - 10:25pm
#117333 DF11 Megapack & Updates
Especially Mauro Icardi (ID 67046662) has the Barcelona shirt. He was there 3 years ago :/
Also other Inter players needs an update picture, because they have a shirt of old teams: Wallace (ID 19147093), Taider (ID 85041832), Rolando (ID 744475), Campagnaro (ID 6300344), Carrizo (ID 954171), Belfodil (ID 85029184). Olsen (ID 27043475) hasn't pictures, but you can find some here, Knudsen (ID 27058548) here
Acampora (ID 43090894) has a completley wrong picture. He is this http://www.internazionale.fr/joueur-inter-milan-904-acampora-gennaro.html
That in your pack is another Acampora with same name, that plays for team Ascoli Calcio and has ID 43006713.
#117320 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
#117259 Schweigi's Standard Logos
#117239 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]