FM24 Real Name Fix
FM23 Real Name Fix
FM24 New Leagues
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FM24 Data Update
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FM24/25 Update Wonderkids
FM24/25 Update Free Players
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FM24/25 Update Players to avoid
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Fantasy Football
#386348 forgot to ad cups in nation rules
i made a competion with nation rules
but i forgot to add cups
can ik add them ore do have to do all the work all over
and if its possible how do i do that?
thanks in advance for the info,
#306841 how to register a player.
and how do i unregister a player from the leauge.
thanx in advandce for your help.
#306840 register players
and how do i unregister a player from the leauge.
thanx in advandce for your help.
#306839 register players
and how do i unregister a player from the leauge.
thanx in advandce for your help.
#302531 does anybody know when the new fm16 update is coming out
thanx in advance for the info
#301677 does anybody know when the new fm16 update is coming out
does anybody know when the new fm16 update is coming out
ore can give a timeframe?
thanx in advance,
#301047 what is the answer for the random question voor retreving password for Sport Interactive site.thanks in advance fot the help
what is the correct answer ro the following random question for retreavingn password on Sport Interactive site.
I tryed all possible typings but still get wrong answet en i really need to get help to a crhahsdump issue.
the random question is is:
Please type out the first and second characters from each word in the following: Football Manager Saved My Life
thans in advance for the help.