FM24 Real Name Fix
FM23 Real Name Fix
FM24 New Leagues
FM23 New Leagues
FM24 Tactics
FM24 Data Update
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FM24/25 Update Wonderkids
FM24/25 Update Free Players
FM24/25 Update Bargains
FM24/25 Update Players to avoid
FM24/25 Update Club Budgets
FM24/25 Update Club Facilities
Installation Guides
Prediction League
Fantasy Football
#772612 Competition True Color Fix
Hi mate, first of all, thanks for your work with this file. I have been using it and consider it the best/most realistic fix around, regarding competition colors.
Just a question: next to the download details, it mentions that the last update to the file was uploaded on April 2nd, 2023. I just wanted to make sure if the version uploaded above is the most recent one, I'm about to start a new save on FM24. Once again, thank you!
#763700 Source links
Thank you both, @mons and @NiceLad!
I am trying to improve my skills and knowledge with the sources so in the near future I could help out with the cuts as well.
#763585 Source links
Hi folks, I'm trying to update a few cuts using the sources on oficial page for FIFA U17 World Cup.
Would you guys suggest any tricks or methods that would allow me to grab the player pics with better quality, please? They all seem kinda foggy and low res to me when I try to open it.
Thanks in advance!
#751412 Site issues - reporting thread
Understood, thanks for clarifying it!
#751360 Site issues - reporting thread
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this (I can happily repost it in the correct one if directed), but I just wanted to know if there's a problem with just me regarding the free download links for both the Complete Megapack and Changes Version 24.01.
Even though I'm logged into my account, the links don't appear and I've been trying for a few days.
In any case, I am very grateful for the work done by everyone here!
#748515 FM23 New Player/Staff Requests
Name: Sory Diarra (Sory Ibrahim Diarra)
Birth: 28 February 2000 (age 23)
Nationality: Mali
Place of birth: Ségou, Mali
Position: Striker - Center Forward
Height: 1.87 m
Foot: right
Current club: FK Haugesund
On the team since: 02/21/2023
Contract until:12/31/2026
Additional information:
#744916 FM23 League Updates
Hi mate. If you and @dncjndc are still looking for a way to start in July 2023, my suggestion is to load Indonesia when starting a new save, view only. The country has several options to start later on 2023, july and even august.
#742994 FM23 League Updates
Thanks mate!
I intend to start a save rebuilding the club from the lower leagues, it's just the update I needed.
#742990 FM23 League Updates
Hi everyone, sorry if this is not the right place to ask, but I would like to know if eventually the situation of Sochaux in France could be updated, please. Due to financial problems, the club has just been relegated to the National league.
Some context: https://www.lequipe.fr/Football/Actualites/La-dncg-confirme-la-relegation-du-fc-sochaux-en-national/1407791
Thanks in advance!
#740899 Custom Start Dates Pack for FM23
You can just load - and put View Only - Indonesia and start on 12/06/23. And even Australia, they have dates in July and even August.
#707340 Having trouble trying to add players faces on tactics screen
Glad it worked for you, mate. Enjoy.
#706909 Having trouble trying to add players faces on tactics screen
Hi mate. Im not an expert when it comes to editing xml codes for skins, but Im affraid theres something messed up here. Seems to me its missing a few conditions: <widget class="object_portrait_picture" id="pict" scale_picture="true" image_alignment="right, bottom" clickable="false">
Lets try the easiest way. Backup and delete your current file and try using the one below. Clean up the cache and reload the skin.
#698613 FC’12 Spain – La Liga 2022/23 [v3.0]
Hi there, excuse my ignorance, I see files like this available in kit packs: what exactly do they do? Thanks for creating it and taking the time to respond.
#696514 Image finder thread - assistance in finding a source image
Hello guys. Please, I'm trying to find a better quality version of any of these images, if anyone has any tips. This is Libasse Ngom (2000152745).
#687223 Schweigi's Standard Logos
Hello and thank you to everyone involved in creating and organizing the Standart logos, I have really appreciated your work over the years.
I would just like to know if a new megapack update or a singular update is planned in the near future, by any chance. It's not a request at all, just for me to know out of curiosity.
Again, thank you very much.
#660329 FM22 Macedonian lower leagues (down to 2nd level) 1.1
Thank you for this work, I've been feeling a soft spot for Macedonian football lately, it came at a good time!
#644622 Schweigi's Standard Logos
What a great surprise, thanks for your work Schweigi!
#638840 RE: How to make a custom start date easily[For several seasons ahead]
Got it, I read more about real results and understood how this works.
Unfortunately wont be something to play with, but the start date mod helped me a lot, thanks.
#638799 RE: How to make a custom start date easily[For several seasons ahead]
@kingrobbo I was able to ajust the files, validated them on editor and they became available for FM21, as instructed.
Although, even with this setup unfortunately Im still struggling to get the game to understand and begin 21-22 season with the correct teams. In other words, still unable to start a save, for instance, with Norwich (or Watford/Brentford in Premier League IRL as 21-22). Same with other leagues and countries as well.
As below, tried a save starting on 21/06/21 and 05/07/21 (custom file dates available). For the first date (21/06), the season hasnt been reseted yet, the game just ran a random season (20-21) and its a gamble to see if the newly promoted teams can survive through 20-21, not realistic.
As for the 05/07/21 test, the season does start fresh as expected for 21-22, but again, seems like the game simmed the year before it and the gamble continues, teams like Norwich survived 20-21, but others got promoted unrealistically (Blackburn, Sheffield).
I feel like Im missing a piece of this puzzle setup to make it possible, for instance, to begin a save in june/july 21-22 season with the current teams in their correct divisions, as in real life.
#638746 RE: How to make a custom start date easily[For several seasons ahead]
Great point, makes sense. I will try that and confirm here if everything went through so others can understand, if needed.
Once again, thank you!
#638712 RE: How to make a custom start date easily[For several seasons ahead]
Thanks mate, appreciate redirecting me to this thread, I wasnt aware of it nor the file.
I will run some tests later this week, but I still question if by using this file to start, for example, on XX july 2021 (meaning 21-22 season is set to begin) + using an DB update for squads and promotions (already in hand, tested and validated before using customo start files) I'd still be able to start 21-22 with the fresh transfers, squads and teams in correct divisions as of now in real life. Or by using this file here the game will still sim the 2020-21 as well, making it different from what has been expected by using the updates?
Sorry if it doesnt make sense somehow, Im more that willing to discuss it if you can. Thanks once again!
#636917 FM21 Condition Icon as Percentage
Hi mate, were you able to figure this out? I see myself looking for the exact files, tried several others (player profile, player profile overview) they just dont seem to have such code. Thanks anyway!
#636744 PR Kits
Beautiful, the new logo fits so well.
Glad to see you guys still making this style, thank you!
#630767 Press Conference Backgrounds
Cant thank you enough, mate! Cheers
#630761 Press Conference Backgrounds
That would be just fine! Thank you again.
#630754 Press Conference Backgrounds
@DazS8 , fantastic work! Thanks for so much effort into it, really appreciate it.
Would it be possible to have Venezia's as well, please? Thanks in advance.
#567039 PR Kits
Please dont get disencouraged, I understand that the FM community didn't embrace the style as the more traditional ones got, but I do find this the best and most realistic.
There are a few league packs/kitmakers around and I always come here to get updates. I've been trying to learn how to make them and add to the group, but it will take me quite some time.
So once again, thank you very much.
#526949 DVX Logos for FM24 | 24v3 Update | 28.02.2025
There's a license issue with the United logos that I guess cant be adressed here. But yeah, they have been left off the config. A option would be to drop them into your dvx-logos folder. Then manually add appropriate lines into the config.xml files in the pack's clubs/primary and clubs/primary/small folders.
#523999 DVX Logos for FM24 | 24v3 Update | 28.02.2025
I have tried the ingame clearing cache option. Will try that second option, I wasn't aware of it.
Once again, thanks for your work and assistance.
#523892 DVX Logos for FM24 | 24v3 Update | 28.02.2025
I used to have the TCM, but after your update I changed to DVX. Metallic I had way back. But both TCM and Metallic I have deleted prior installing DVX.
Seems like it got messed up somehow.