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#800039 Editing Edited Databases
Luke Hearn
Hi all. I have downloaded a Level 20 English db that i know works. I'm trying to edit my local team to give them a perfect youth setup and a perfect HOYD (just so that I can get them quite a long way up accelerated in the 5 months till FM25!). That's all I've changed in the database (and indeed, the league mentioned here is below the level I need anyway!), but when I try to verify it so I can use it in the game, I get this message
Any ideas? Happy to do it on stream if that helps someone to talk me through it (any time today!)
#724075 FM23 English Lower League Database - Level 15
Luke Hearn
I’ve created my local team in level 10 using create a club. It’ll do :-)
#723269 FM23 English Lower League Database - Level 15
Luke Hearn
Anyone seen a level 11 database yet? There was one to 13 last year. My local team (other than QPR) are in level 11 so really want to start with them!
#528681 FM2020 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v2.3 for FM20.4.1 [released on 28/04/2020]
Luke Hearn
Argh - I have now downloaded the in game editor, but it hasn't appeared. Have a feeling that's because I didn't check the "in-game editor allowed?" option when setting up the game. No way round this?
#528197 FM2020 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v2.3 for FM20.4.1 [released on 28/04/2020]
Luke Hearn
As in, there's no way to change it now?
#527651 FM2020 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v2.3 for FM20.4.1 [released on 28/04/2020]
Luke Hearn
#527514 FM2020 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v2.3 for FM20.4.1 [released on 28/04/2020]
Luke Hearn
Came with the Level 11 database I have active. I think I started with the 20.4 database too - it was certainly up to date and the game was started on 19th March...
#527336 FM2020 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v2.3 for FM20.4.1 [released on 28/04/2020]
Luke Hearn
There you go...
#527203 FM2020 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v2.3 for FM20.4.1 [released on 28/04/2020]
Luke Hearn
#410370 Upload Kit for Create a Club
Luke Hearn
#409734 Upload Kit for Create a Club
Luke Hearn
#409557 Upload Kit for Create a Club
Luke Hearn
#409513 Upload Kit for Create a Club
Luke Hearn
Can't see anything I'm doing wrong but as you can see, no sign of the kits.
I'm going to get a refund for FM18 anyway so if you have any further suggestions, give them for FM17 instead - although I've started a game there which I'm quite enjoying now so if there's a way of doing it that is save-game compatible that would be good (I know there is for "normal" teams - I've added in kits mid-game before...).
#409106 Upload Kit for Create a Club
Luke Hearn
Also, I cant get them working for FM17 either.
#408849 Upload Kit for Create a Club
Luke Hearn
#408848 Upload Kit for Create a Club
Luke Hearn
#408841 Upload Kit for Create a Club
Luke Hearn
#408840 Upload Kit for Create a Club
Luke Hearn
#408827 Upload Kit for Create a Club
Luke Hearn
#408819 Upload Kit for Create a Club
Luke Hearn
ive done all of this - and started a new game too - still nothing :-(
Think I'll give up
#408723 Upload Kit for Create a Club
Luke Hearn
Really? Shouldn't it be possible via a config file? Has worked before...
#408713 Upload Kit for Create a Club
Luke Hearn
Here you go
#408660 Upload Kit for Create a Club
Luke Hearn
Any luck?
#408439 Upload Kit for Create a Club
Luke Hearn
Currently I don't have ANY of them showing - no idea why. It did briefly. The club is 1548 - replaces Clyde in the game.
#408011 Upload Kit for Create a Club
Luke Hearn
#406683 Upload Kit for Create a Club
Luke Hearn
Also, does anyone know how to make 3D kits? Be cool to see my kits on the match engine!
**EDT: Nope - works as Clyde but not as my new club! Help!**
#406678 Kits not working
Luke Hearn
#406662 Kits not working
Luke Hearn
Not sure if I can put the config file there?
#406537 Kits not working
Luke Hearn
#406116 Kits not working
Luke Hearn
Deleted the one not in the L2 folder. Hasn't changed anything...