Jeff Oldham - Comments

#155575 Clas(sic)
Jeff Oldham
12 years ago
2 months ago
I believe I encountered a bug. It's located in the Scouting Overview Panel. When I click on New Assignment it takes me to the next screen, however, the "Scouting Focus" and the option beneath it are greyed out. The only thing I can click on is "Clear" and "Cancel". Also in the Scouting Overview Panel, when I click on "View Assignments", it takes me to a screen that shows a penal that says Chief Scout but it doesn't list the Scout. There are 2 more blank panels that say "Highest Rated Players" and "Scouting Knowledge". There is no mention of the assignments on this page.

On the default Football Manager skin I can add new assignments and the View Assignments Panel is populated with the assignments of my 2 scouts.