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#785315 Mustermann Iconic v1.2 - Updated 20/07/24 (LIGHT MODE NOW AVAILABLE)
I'm not sure you quite understand the word niche
#783277 Just Skin FM24
Hi Just,
Can you view my image above and possibly help please? The scores are not showing on this screen and I can only assume that the font colour for the actual score is white so does not show on the white background. Can you point me to what needs changing under the hood to either change the font colour of the scores to black or even changing the box colour to a darker colour so the white of the scores shows through? Hope that makes sense! Thanks again mate, still the best skin out there by a mile.
#783276 Just Skin FM24
#780381 Sas Skin 24
How would i be able to add boxes to the attributes? Its just a personal preference that i liked on another skin and i also find the coloured boxes to match the specific attribute ranges easier to interpret when you are comparing attributes when scouting etc?
Thanks for the great work on the fantastic skin
#778933 Mustermann Iconic v1.2 - Updated 20/07/24 (LIGHT MODE NOW AVAILABLE)
You just have to guess. It's what the skin is all about, somethings you can gain information about by watching full games, or reading thoroughly what's said in press conferences and player scout reports etc but other things you have to make a best guess.
#776930 Mustermann Iconic v1.2 - Updated 20/07/24 (LIGHT MODE NOW AVAILABLE)
Chinese Restaurants are niche but they still do a ¼ roast chicken with gravy sauce - but point taken.
#776643 Mustermann Iconic v1.2 - Updated 20/07/24 (LIGHT MODE NOW AVAILABLE)
It could still remain Attributeless but just give a ‘hidden’ option to those who love the skin but would ‘also’ like to see the attributes in numeric value under the hood. Then the skin would be perfect but, as it is, it is too niche for most players. There is a work around in the preferences that can trick the skin into showing the numerical attributes, but i won't reveal this here out of respect to the developer for his outstanding work.
#774714 Rent-a-hacker! (https://t.me/Blackhat_plug)
#770905 Sas Skin 24
The tablet expansion instructions worked perfectly for me using Sasmaz instructions. I wonder if people are forgetting to take 5 or 10 off their chosen value in line 8 as instructed as well? would that make a difference?
#736942 Trophy Presentation
You only see the presentation if you actually win the league on the last game of the season. If you wrap the league title up with still a few games to go you don't get the presentation graphic. Which is a bit of a let down i'm afraid but just a quirk of the game!.
#723178 Stato Skin FM23 Full Release
its a forum anybody is allowed to comment not just those whose comments you might like, but thanks for the advice and happy new year.
#722845 Stato Skin FM23 Full Release
why do t just have boring dark grey backgrounds on every page but the pics i've seen have picture backgrounds. I have all the background packs going set up and they show fine on other skins but not on this one. I love the stats side of the skins but its just so boring and uninspiring visually? Also people talk about a background selector button but i do not have that button in my skin? weird.
#629508 FM 2021 FLUT skin dark - Version 16.0
Did you realise that the stadium for Leicester City Football Club (LCFC) is showing on Lincoln City Football Club (LCFC) club screen by mistake. Not sure little old Lincoln Town would be able to afford the King Power stadium!
#521579 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
#458325 Fez Pitch Textures V2
Thanks for your response mate and now I totally understand. Appreciate you are working hard on it and thanks for your efforts, it's people like yourself and many others who tweak the graphics that make playing this wonderful game even more enjoyable.
Have a great Xmas!
#458090 Fez Pitch Textures V2
#416854 England - National League North 3D'2017/18 Relink! (25/02/18)