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#576640 Help with the Juventus kits 20/21...
Can anyone recommend a link/download for the Juventus 20/21 kits. I always download all the kits every year, however cannot seem to find a Series A download pack or an individual Juventus pack for this year? The rest of the teams in Serie A have their kits.
#360996 Game crashes whilst on the initial game loading screen after loading graphics
Will give this a go
#360991 Game crashes whilst on the initial game loading screen after loading graphics
Have just tried this. Was able to reach the preferences page, then came out of FM, moved the packs back into the games graphics folder, went back into FM, then when I unticked and ticked the relevant boxes, clicked on 'Reload Skin'. I waited for 20 minutes for this to load but it just kept on loading without finishing and going back to the game menu page. In the end it became a non responsive program.
Have also checked the files I have downloaded and these are no different to the ones a get every year. In fact I have not changed anything that I normally do, so really have no idea as to why it does not want to load once I place the downloaded packs in the graphics folder.
#360982 Game crashes whilst on the initial game loading screen after loading graphics
Facepack from https://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/style/1/cut-out-player-faces
Kits a mixture from https://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/packcat/2/257/ss1617-league-kits
Logo pack from https://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/style/3/metallic-logos
#360973 Game crashes whilst on the initial game loading screen after loading graphics
Will try this first, thanks
#360972 Game crashes whilst on the initial game loading screen after loading graphics
I have left it for maybe 10 minutes then had to force quit. Altogether the graphics folder, which includes the face mega pack, logos and kits, is abut 8-9 Gb.
#360961 Game crashes whilst on the initial game loading screen after loading graphics
Got them from the sortitoutsi site. Do you need the specific folders?
#360960 Game crashes whilst on the initial game loading screen after loading graphics
Nothing appears on the actual game, but on the Mac 'Force Quit' window, I get the following message:
Football Manager 2017 v 17 . 1 . 2 f 903034 (not responding)
What are your thoughts?
#360958 Game crashes whilst on the initial game loading screen after loading graphics
Yes it does work. I removed all the downloaded files from the graphics folder and it loaded with no issues.
Any idea how to work around this?
#214910 How to get nation badges on show rather than flags
Help please :-)
#214677 German Bundesliga SS 14/15 Kits Needed
#119109 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]
I can't seem to get this done on my Mac OS X Mavericks. Ive tried finding the library folder on both my Mac and through the link above but still can't seem to locate the required USERNAME \ Library \ Application Support \ Steam \ SteamApps \ Common \ Football Manager 2014 \ Data \ db \ 1400 for me to complete the above name/German fixes etc!
Anyone able to help me with this?
#33170 Cant load kit packs to my mac, help please!!
Help and suggestions please!!
#33163 Cant seem to load up kits!
Help and suggestions please!!
#32832 How do I get winrar for mac?
Ive created a graphics folder within FM 2013 and placed my club logos pack in there which load up in the game fine, but when I place the Kit packs in there these dont load up to the game.
Any suggestions would really help.
#32830 How do I get winrar for Mac?
Ive created a graphics folder within FM 2013 and placed my club logos pack in there which load up in the game fine, but when I place the Kit packs in there these dont load up to the game.
Any suggestions would really help.