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#119832 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
Jurgen Smits
Thanks for your answer Flut, I changed the layout values, did some try and error and now it works.
Thanks again for this great skin.
#119456 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
Jurgen Smits
First of all thanks for this beautiful skin.
I have just one problem: player stats aren't showing (see screenshot). When the stat of a player is 12 or more, the place seems too small for this numbers. Can you tell me which panel I have to adjust to solve this problem
#117644 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
Jurgen Smits
Anyone else who has this problem.