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#229093 HelveticaLite Rebooted 1.2, a light skin for FM2015
A quick update fixing a major issue :
- the player attributes panel did not load in Player development screen
- recoloured the whole Interface buttons and hovers (back/next, world menu, continue, edit, FM button)
Please let me know about issues. The mini sidebar version is coming soon.
#228941 HelveticaLite Rebooted 1.2, a light skin for FM2015
A light skin for Football Manager 2015.
Updated : 16.12.2014
Still the same features, rebooted
Here's the 1.0 version with the main features you like. Still have to do a mini sidebar version and style the match panels and stuff.
Please let me know about bugs and issues.
#222716 HelveticaLite Rebooted 1.2, a light skin for FM2015
#221245 HelveticaLite Rebooted 1.2, a light skin for FM2015
HelveticaLite Release Candidate (2.7.4)
A light skin for Football Manager 2015.
Download it here :
Updated : 24.11.2014
Changes in 2.7.4 version
- Increased the boldness of the attributes in the Player Overview panel
- Fixed the background colour of the Position Instructions panel in Tactics
- Added a divider line between the height/weight values in the Player Attributes panel
- Slightly fixed the layout in the Player Profile Personal Details panel
- Increased the size of the club logo in the Titlebar and added a divider at the right of the name of the player
- Recoloured the World Menu panel background to dark grey and recoloured the submenus
- Fixed width values for Nations and Unemployed sections in the Sidebar
- Slightly edited the Inbox Feed panel in Manager Home view
- Recoloured logically the graph diagrams in the Finances Overview
- Reworked the Player Form and Career Stats panels
- Completely reworked the Reports > Stats player panel
- Fixed the Inbox button with unattended transfers
- Replaced the Inbox/Transfers icon buttons
- Fixed the invisble "Unknown" Rec text in the Person Search List panel
Changes in 2.7.3 version
- resized the sidebar width to 160px and resized the text to 7.5px, due to gaps when using some foreign languages
- fixed the Reserves/u19 etc/ icons colour in sidebar
Team Squad Tactics panel
- fixed the Team next match panel below the pitch in Team squad tactics view
- reworked the Team squad tactics pitch from the Shallow's panel
- recoloured the players columns in Team squad tactics panel
Player Overview panel
- completely reworked the personal details panel, and added Club badges at bottom
- fixed the percentage value texts in player's Physical stats panel, and centered the text
- added the height and weight values in the Player Attributes panel
- replaced the default club logos (now 200px)
- added the final release of michaelmurray's Between in highlights panel
- added and tweaked the michaelmurray's match Titlebar
- fixed the invisible text in the Match feed item panel
#219695 HelveticaLite Rebooted 1.2, a light skin for FM2015
#219440 HelveticaLite Rebooted 1.2, a light skin for FM2015
HelveticaLite Release Candidate (2.7.2)
A light skin for Football Manager 2015.
Updated : 19.11.2014
Changes in 2.7.2 version
- fixed the colour of the league table stats
- league tables justified to the left
- fixed the lighter colour of some disabled menus/buttons
- modified the background colour of edit fields (now white)
- the top of the sidebar is now aligned with the header
- reduced the width of the sidebar from 160 to 150px wide
- realigned the content in the sidebar
- recoloured the sidebar, it's now always the same colour
- reworked the inbox icon and box
- reorganized the player overview panel
- lightened the attribute analysis text colour in player overview panel
- centered the recommandation text in the report panel in player overview
- new bullet icons
#218788 HelveticaLite Rebooted 1.2, a light skin for FM2015
A light skin for Football Manager 2015.
Updated : 18.11.2014
Changes in 2.7.1 version
- Fixed the buttons appearance in the Set Pieces Instructions panel
#218598 HelveticaLite Rebooted 1.2, a light skin for FM2015
Changes in 2.7 version
#218386 HelveticaLite Rebooted 1.2, a light skin for FM2015
I made a new scoreboard, which will be available fot the next version.
Think FLAT
Adding a stadium picture and playing with portraits and pics are planned, but i have to fix the remaining colour clashes before. About the transparency in between highlights panels, it comes from the original files, made by michael at sigames forum. He'll fix the problem, then i'll add the new panels to the next version. If it's annoying, simply delete the match in between highlights panel.xml file in the /panels folder.
#218017 HelveticaLite Rebooted 1.2, a light skin for FM2015