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#354325 The Promised Land
This is the first FM save that I have ever attempted to post online and so I anticipate a few teething problems on the technical side of things. My first one has already presented itself as I can not for the life of me seem to be able to select the league and club that I am managing in the drop down menus on the "Edit Career" section. Any help on that would be greatly appreciated. Screenshots will almost certainly be another one as I have found that to be a challenge on forums elsewhere. Bear with me essentially! On a positive note I tend to rattle through seasons, especially during the school holidays, as there is nothing I enjoy more than sitting down in front of the football or the cricket and manage away on my laptop! I hope to get quite a way into the future on this save. My journey way well veer off course on the way, however.
#339568 (FM16+)Found an error in our database[Players+Staff Changes Only]
Also, the finals of both phases and the Colombian Cup are over two legs, it is a little annoying when the press ask you before the first leg about being "1 win away from the title" when you have two matches to play as well as having the option in team talks to "bring home the title with a victory" before the first leg match or "with that performance you have sealed the title" after winning in the first leg.
One more thing, away goals don't count for double in the event of a tie in both the Colombian Cup and the playoffs after both the First and Second Phase of the league but the press ask you questions about the importance of conceding or not scoring an away goal. Have found that in a couple of other countries as well, not a big deal just a little annoying (and confusing the first time around!)