Craig Thomas - Comments

#419027 Some kits not working? SSKCC18.3.4 v1.8.2 for SS'2017/18 kits on FM18 only (09/09/18)
Craig Thomas
11 years ago
11 months ago

I'm having issues with kits now showing up in Champions League and Carabao Cup games, I'm using the Premier League SS17-18 kit pack.

They show up in League Games so not sure why they are not working in Cup games, I have tried clearing my cache etc.

#54472 Main Menu Background image problem
Craig Thomas
11 years ago
11 months ago
I was looking into creating skins for FM13 so i first downloaded a skin and used this as a guide, but every time i create a main menu background, its cutting half the picture off in the game, ive set the image to the same image size as the one in the skin i have all ready got yet even when i lower the image size its still cutting the image off, been at it for 2 hours now and its annoying the hell out of me! thanks in advance.
#48160 Manchester United 2012-13 DF'10
Craig Thomas
11 years ago
11 months ago
Good work, thanks mate, although the mediafire link is to Liverpool pack