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#811019 FM25 Cancelled - Next game will be FM26
iv only been editing 3-4 years… iv played this game most of my adult life… i don't play on anything other than my own skin…(my own skin has been pulled from whole fm fanbase……… couldn't even begin to thank everyone in one message) i don't release it because…... this person will say that….. this person will not like this…. im happy with FM2024….. with what i created. I think its a good match engine… very realistic…..
#725771 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
#725171 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
#725170 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
you can actually set them in manager home panel.xml… they have setting for default…preseason…etc…. you have to input the code for the required panel you wish to be displayed and when.
#724736 Skins not loading properly
i dont know whats happening to you without actually getting your file or filessssssssss. but they are different screens on the player with different xmls. on the tab menu. should be overview and profile. i remember the bottom well. thats the player profile screen and player overview screen for the original stato skin that should both be displayed in separate tab menus
#724734 Skins not loading properly
basically they are different screens….thats why they look different
#724732 Skins not loading properly
its the answer to the question….the top picture…is the “player profile.xml” and the bottom picture is the "player overview.xml" located in the skin….thats if you have a skin that you can get into and not just an fmf file.
#724730 Skins not loading properly
looks like profile and overview panels to me. the bottom one is overview. the top one is profile…they are different xmls.
#724201 Stato Skin FM23 Full Release
thank you.. alot of hard work and bad editing removed..
#724188 Stato Skin FM23 Full Release
#724178 Edit u23s and u18s back into sidebar?
just take control of the u23/u21/u19/b team individual or full "training". this will then show the team in side bar without editing needed.
#723991 Skinning - Location of "hidden" files
these files are not hidden. old xmls stop you from changing it.
#723551 2017 Feyenoord Numbers
iv made a special panel in the player overview just for stuff like this.
#723061 2017 Feyenoord Numbers
they look good. cheers for that…
#722516 Stato Skin FM23 Full Release
#722515 Stato Skin FM23 Full Release
#722426 FM23 Vince Skin & Low Res | 1.3
#721764 Stato Skin FM23 Full Release
just trying to help…he did say in his original post "any" reply would be nice..so i replied….
#721762 Stato Skin FM23 Full Release
my way takes 2 minutes…..
#721760 Stato Skin FM23 Full Release
You can edit the "client object browser" with a background selector…if you have edited it correctly….
#721731 Stato Skin FM23 Full Release
#721723 Stato Skin FM23 Full Release
You can set the limit in the client object browser…. 3 settings…i believe are in this version of the skin…abit over kill… you can literally delete two of them and just use one…it makes no difference.
#721718 Stato Skin FM23 Full Release
Best way to test that is to put the default football manager skin in(by itself) and see if its the same or different….
#721510 Stato Skin FM23 Full Release
thats what that ibh panel does…. a better one is either the analysis home and away….or the player ratings ibh…or the standard analysis for each team…rather the STATS ibh…...as in these ones you can just have the starting 11 visible and they swap when you sub them.
#721260 Match view problem
so when your told “take it from another skin…” its not always that easy and i can prove it…
#721256 Match view problem
the only times iv ever had that similar screen to what you have.. is when im changing things around. sometimes whats actually written inside the files makes a huge difference. unless your reading it..you wont know. and not all ibh files or highlight panels work across skins with-out editing.
#721226 Match view problem
but if you want to have a go at fixing that..…the touchline tablet is controlled by “match touch tablet panel” in match folder of that skin. (this is the one from the right side of the screen) in this panel is few things that either conflict or or cause that to happen…..all the panels have separate ids(up to 8)………Then the panel slots…..ibh1…ibh2…ibh3…ibh4…dispalyed in the match folder..…….these if moved around from different skins “do not always work" (believe me on this can turn into abit of a nightmare)…….which is how the panels know which panel to display…. then you have separate files for what the panels you want to be shown within ibh panels…i mean if you still want to try at this…..rather than downloading and starting a new game then…..fair play.
#721179 Match view problem
id just go back on the other save…or start a new game if its only happening on “that save”….save alot of time and hassle trust me…..
#721148 FM23 Vince Skin & Low Res | 1.3
But the file will be linked as its the default flag….icon…
#721090 FM23 Vince Skin & Low Res | 1.3