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#644959 Slightly stuck on data update
James Lewis
I've got myself a bit confused with the latest data update.
So the download has the regular “sortitoutsi data update changes” file. Then it has all those other files like “England (league” “France (League)” and so on. Am I supposed to do something with these other files? Do I import them one by one in the editor?
Going in game, most of the files seem to work when you start a new save but the “players and staff” file tells me that it needs to be verified and tested with the editor?
Basically the handful of other files has thrown me somewhat.
#582670 FM21 Data Update getting 'file needs verification' error - read the opening post[Also FM20 Update is now stopped]
James Lewis
Yep this is what's happening with mine as well. I'll go back to the editor and check and the change is there but for some reason it isn't implementing in game.
#582669 FM21 Data Update getting 'file needs verification' error - read the opening post[Also FM20 Update is now stopped]
James Lewis
Does this mean deleting for example the licensing fix files?
#581986 FM21 Data Update getting 'file needs verification' error - read the opening post[Also FM20 Update is now stopped]
James Lewis
I meant changed that were showing on the list of updates on this site. Yesterday it showed that one of the changes submitted and approved was Steve Cotterill as Shrewsbury manager. I'd load the update file in the editor and Sam Ricketts would still be listed as manager. However this now seems to be sorted out.
The problem I have now is that I'm saving the edited data, yet when I start a new game the changes made are not there. I have added Lee Johnson as Sunderland manager for example. When I load up the game, Phil Parkinson is still their manager.
#581479 FM21 Data Update getting 'file needs verification' error - read the opening post[Also FM20 Update is now stopped]
James Lewis
I'm downloading the file, extracting it. And then copying the xml file into the editor data fm21 folder. Then opening editor and importing the database.
#182898 FMonline Forum FM14 Transfers Update DB
James Lewis