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#737869 Renaming competition names in editor
Kåre Kanon
I know this game is pretty old now, and so is this thread, but I have the same issue.
No solution posted here, but I could see this problem cropping up in several versions of the game, as they share a lot of the same systems.
I tried to change skins, in case the cache had something to do with it, but no luck.
#737671 Sammy Skytte
Kåre Kanon
It seems to me that this Skytte character changes his style quite often, so should probably not go out on a limb and demand the picture from his time at Stabæk :-P
I totally see your point, you need to have a system of sorts, as more…known players probably get a lot requests of updating their pictures.
As for me, it just somewhat annoys me when a picture is out of date by years 😀
I'll get back to you if/when I find a better picture, and will be less harsh going forward 🙂
#737669 Sammy Skytte
Kåre Kanon
Yeah… I saw that the current picture is from his time at either Horsens or Glimt (yellow collar, probably Horsens) and that was a while ago. Remember him with a more flamboyant hair style :-P
But perhaps I spoke too soon, as Concordia's page doesn't have pictures on their player profiles and the Romanian league seems to garner little interest and therefore sources.
Perhaps I spoke to soon then, and for that I can only hold up my hands and say “my bad”, since I remember from the past that you (the page) won't change old pictures for a more recent one, unless its from the current club.
I would rather have a more recent picture, albeit not totally up to date(like Qvordrup's suggestion), than sticking with a picture that's really out of date, but that's not up to me!
#737653 Sammy Skytte
Kåre Kanon
Surely this player needs an update?
#687126 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
Kåre Kanon
Thanks for your swift reply!
(and my bad for posting in the wrong place I suppose…)
I should have checked the config file immediately, because that's where the error was; I compared the “normal” and “small” config file and sure enough there was an extra “</list>” entry in the “small” file. Removed that and presto…it worked.
So I must have made a copy error the last time I added logos…
Note to self should have checked config file!
But I will bookmark that app, might come in handy later 🙂
#687080 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
Kåre Kanon
Hi there!
First of all, yes I realize FM17 is old news and that I should move on (I will once I finish my goals with Benfica), but regardless of that I've run into a problem:
After I reloaded my skin (via preferences) to load in some missing faces that I added manually, small logos (Metallic) stopped working in player profiles (sort of) and in the league tables, though some of the default logos (or so I assume) are there. Big logos still work.
I have not changed anything about logos recently, only some faces, and I did a restart of my computer thinking it might be a memory issue, but no luck.
#565550 Gard Holme
Kåre Kanon
#563894 Gard Holme
Kåre Kanon
#562237 Chris Llewellyn
Kåre Kanon
In this instance my picture search wasn't specific enough (I use google or duckduckgo), which is a glaring oversight; adding club name after player name would yield a better result 90% of the time.
It a balancing act, I got you
#560450 Chris Llewellyn
Kåre Kanon
But I thought, since the old pictures was of lower quality and I found a source where the person was looking straight at the camera without any shadows, was decent.
I would have liked to have found a higher res for sure, but I didn't.
Not saying you are wrong in your comment, just stating my reasoning.
#557640 Maurice Hirsch
Kåre Kanon
#544925 Tor-Mattis Kåven
Kåre Kanon
You guys are champs
#544225 Tor-Mattis Kåven
Kåre Kanon
#534503 Alex Galo
Kåre Kanon
#534501 Marco Stauffiger
Kåre Kanon
(and I think you might be right)
I try my best to double-check sources, but sometimes its hard to actually establish who is who
#534470 Marco Stauffiger
Kåre Kanon
TBH I was a little unsure about the source, will make sure that isn't the case in the future.
#533954 Alex Galo
Kåre Kanon
Perhaps the player is too obscure? (player has changed names in-game, Alex Cruz->Alex Galo
#529148 Abraam Khashmanyan
Kåre Kanon
#526932 Saša Kolman
Kåre Kanon
#524766 Lionel Monzón
Kåre Kanon
#504363 Lucas Soares
Kåre Kanon
I could have swore this player was missing until very recently, but still, my bad.
Delete request...
#498031 Jörundur Áki Sveinsson
Kåre Kanon
Much appreciated, this guy was just appointed Iceland manager in my save
#495888 Sondre Liseth
Kåre Kanon
PS: I might have asked about this before, but how do you guys find those better quality pictures every time?
When I file these requests I'd like to save the makers as much time as possible
#442130 Henrik Johnsgård
Kåre Kanon
I don't know where you find those bigger sources, I try to find high resolutions.
#441139 Darío Guti
Kåre Kanon
#438369 Henrik Johnsgård
Kåre Kanon
#436514 Talghat Baisufinov
Kåre Kanon
#429677 SK Brann [Old Request]
Kåre Kanon
#426518 Christian Eggen Rismark
Kåre Kanon
#426517 Sondre Sørløkk
Kåre Kanon