TheJofSpades - Comments

#227295 Skin fix for 15.2
11 years ago
2 years ago
I've got a problem with Scorpio, I use the small sidebar skin but when I load it up it's the same as the normal one, which is playing havoc with my selection view on tactics page.
Any ideas?
#224049 Customised View problems on tactic screen
11 years ago
2 years ago
I have my own customised view (form, condition, star ratings etc), but when I go onto another page (eg player profile) and go back to the tactics screen, it has changed back to default selection info.
This is getting really annoying, is there any solution?
#223747 Tactics, How to??
11 years ago
2 years ago
.tac files you can just drop into the folder, but if they are fmf files then you need to drop them into the folder and then import them in-game.
You can do this by clicking the drop down arrow next to a current tactic (or blank tactic space) and rather than going to ' manage tactics' -> 'import' -> select the one you want -> 'load' -> ok

Hope this helps