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#659077 New Data Update Feature: Legends Database
I'm also adding here some legends cut-out faces that we've made for you to enjoy...
Note 2 points on these attached faces:
1- As we're not design masters, I know it's not perfect.
2- As with each new version of FM, the dimensions of the images change (example: the faces were already 150x150, 180x180, 200x200 and the current 250x250), due to this, we adopt the practice of keeping the images in their original dimensions, and we create a program that resizes all the images, to a specific size (depending on the FM version we are playing) and we share those resized images among ourselves.
#659066 New Data Update Feature: Legends Database
Sure, my friend!
But it was not possible... as expected, error adding file too large...
As I couldn't, I'm adding some images from the editor with the OF:
#658365 New Data Update Feature: Legends Database
Questions that need answering
The following potential issues will need investigating and this feature will not be released unless they can be resolved:
1-Using old FM data bases (2006,07,08, etc), many legendary players were still active or were coaches/staff. Therefore, we use their original ID. For those that didn't really exist, we had to create a new ID.
2- Only ONE version of each legend was created and we placed it in the club that he most played for, or he most identified. For example, Zidane was a legend at Bordeaux, Juventus and Real Madrid, but in Real Madrid he is most idol, not least because he was also an idol as a coach. Thus, Zidane is initially at Real Madrid, in our OF.
3- This was our most difficult and controversial point. First, ALL legendary players created were aged between 23 and 26 years old, depending on the century they played. For example, Sindelar (AUT), played in the years 1934 and we put it at 26 years old. Garrincha (BRA), played in 1962, we put it at 25 years old. Scirea (ITA), played in 1982, aged 24. And Zidane (FRA) in 2002, 23 years old.
For all other existing players in the club's current base, who are over 22 years old, we put them at age 22 or under. Also puting them in to the club he came from, in case he is not a legend of a specific club.
4-We do not create non-existent players in real life.
I hope it helped you.
#658349 New Data Update Feature: Legends Database
Hello Friend!
First of all, sorry for grammar mistakes or misspelled words, but English is not our mother language and we don't have extensive use of it.
As I had already informed in the other topic (that was cancelled), I have been doing, for some years, a "Data update", with the greatest legendary players of all time.
Until then, to be used and played among my friends. We are a group of 10 people and we play FM, daily for 1hr, on LAN.
We had this idea, and using the game editor to making an OF, which is already well advanced. It currently has around 300 MB and contains over 3000 legendary players from clubs and national teams.
If it's in someone's interest, we can share this file with anyone who wants.
We also already have a large collection of face cut-outs from these legendary players. But as we aren't masters of design, some still need to make the cut-out. We can also share what already have, with anyone who wants to.
For information, in a next topic, I will answer your questions above, about how we are doing.
#656754 Request for cut-out faces for Legends Megapack
Note: If possible, I would like the size of the images not to be changed.
Once again, grateful!
#656753 Request for cut-out faces for Legends Megapack
Dear ones, I would like to request to cut-out the faces of legendary players, for a megapack that I am developing.
For that, I would like to send here, little by little, some faces for contributors to cut-out them.
Grateful in advance!