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#216028 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 – DARK VERSION v.1.0 [updated 29.05.2014]
is there a way to get the GK kit higher on the tactics screen pitch? Because it can't see his name and his other stats like the outfiled players!
PS: i'm using windowed mode
#202115 Change 2D kit colour ingame
I tried it already, but i can't change the kits there because i can't see anything!
#202107 Change 2D kit colour ingame
is it possible to change the 2d kits colour ingame and the main club colours?
Because i am coaching a club with logo colours green/white/black and my topbar and my home kits are blue.
Thx in advance
#197591 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 – DARK VERSION v.1.0 [updated 29.05.2014]
but the main reason i asked, was the gap between the attributes. Because some attributes arent showing/ are below the other boxes!
#197458 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 – DARK VERSION v.1.0 [updated 29.05.2014]
can u help me with this misalignment?
#103975 FMC FLUT skin for FM - DARK version
Sorry, here is the whole screen.
#103954 FMC FLUT skin for FM - DARK version
Maybe you can help me with this?
#103613 FMC FLUT skin for FM - DARK version
#103433 FMC FLUT skin for FM - DARK version
i' usining windowed mode!
On my player profile screen i can't see all the attributes. Like in the first picture i can't see the attributes Technique and Work Rate.
There is also "dados pessoais" at the top of the page, in english version it should name Personal data?
Is there also a way to change background colours of the attributes?
Is there a way to fix these issues?
PS: This is a great skin, keep up your perfect work!!