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#123219 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
#122218 [FM2014] Better Than Default Panels
Take a deep breath...
There are 8 different files each will change different aspect of your existing skin...
Honor files come for white or dark skin so choose accordingly...
You DON'T need all of them...Just the ones you like
Before replace anything save the original skin Panels and Graphics files elsewhere ,so if you will not like the change over your existing skin, you can easily put them back on...
You replace each file only one at a time, and check in game if you like what you see, if not put back original files...
There are also useful pictures in each file to show you what will be changed if you install it....
Its a simple copy past from each file into your SKIN's Panels and Graphics files...
Don't put anything inside graphics files...Put it in the SKIN graphic files...
Good Luck...And God help you...
#121433 FM14 Scoreboard Mod
#121421 FM14 Scoreboard Mod
#120311 English Lower Leagues Basic V.1.0.2
Check out Voasy's English level 10 for FM 14...
#120076 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
I have found it easy enough, changed it to -5,--6,-4 no luck...
what am I looking for with this numbers?
And can I change it during match to see the outcome or I need to quit each time and see the outcome?
#120038 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
Unfortunately for me I can't lower the resolution...I watch it in 3D Stereoscopic which allowed only at 1920*1080
#120030 FM14 Scoreboard Mod
If you are using FLUT skin, it has a bug which doesn't allow that feature...so you are stuck...
#119868 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
I am still going to use it up until match day...Than offloading it, and after match loading it again...
I like it so much I can't do without it...
#119726 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
#119317 English Lower Leagues Basic V.1.0.2