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#664725 Cameraman recolor in stadium
It's alright then. Thanks again. Really appreciate. 👍🏽
#664720 Cameraman recolor in stadium
Hi, Jeff's72.
Yup, it's working great. Thanks, buddy. 👍
By the way, do you have any idea how i can remove the standing photographer from the 3D match engine..? Their positioning is very odd and lacks realism. 😁
#664682 Cameraman recolor in stadium
Hi, Jeff's72.
Could you kindly explain further on this. I'm not really sure what do you mean by art folder. Where can I get it..? Any snapshot(s) to assist us..?
Thanks for the effort. Really appreciate. 👍🏽
#284606 FM 2015 FLUT skin - Dark Version v.2.7 [Released 25.07.2015]
Hi Flut,
Thanks for the workaround. It works great.
#284236 FM 2015 FLUT skin - Dark Version v.2.7 [Released 25.07.2015]
May you be in the pink of health.
Need some help here.
Is there anyway in removing the photo from both profiles as i decided to do away with regens players/staffs photos (in yellow box).
Thanks, Flut.
#257703 FM 2015 FLUT skin - Dark Version v.2.7 [Released 25.07.2015]
Hi Flut,
Thanks for leading the blind man, ie myself.
It's working like a charm now after following your advice/pointers.
#256907 FM 2015 FLUT skin - Dark Version v.2.7 [Released 25.07.2015]
It's me again.
My apology.
I've updated the dark skin to the latest version. Many-many thanks for the great work.
However, i didn't get the same team profile and schedule profile as the one you showed us as samples.
Please take a look at the screenshot below:
Could you kindly enlighten me as to where did i do it wrongly.
Thank you.
#254292 FM 2015 FLUT skin - Dark Version v.2.7 [Released 25.07.2015]
Hi Bantams and Flut,
Both of you are great mates. FMers are lucky to have you guys around, contributing so much for our gaming pleasures.
Cheers, guys.
ps. May you have a speedy recovery, Bantams.
#250760 FM 2015 FLUT skin - Dark Version v.2.7 [Released 25.07.2015]
Hi Flut,
It's working grrrrreat. Thanks a zillion, mate.
#250723 FM 2015 FLUT skin - Dark Version v.2.7 [Released 25.07.2015]
Hi Flut,
I do understand and agree with you.
Alternatively, do you think it's possible for you to turn the tone panel for both to another colour, as in the example below (taken from Andromeda skin).
Thank you, Flut.
#250419 FM 2015 FLUT skin - Dark Version v.2.7 [Released 25.07.2015]
Thanks for the help.
After installing, it looks much better.
Below are the screenshots:
If it is not too much to ask, do you think that you can make the tone box even more transparent.
Thank you.
#250138 FM 2015 FLUT skin - Dark Version v.2.7 [Released 25.07.2015]
It's me again.
My apology of popping up again. I'm in need of some help.
Is there anyway that the emotion/reaction panel (boxed yellow) in both the images below be made transparent..?
I'm having difficulty in identifying my emotion/reaction each time i interact with the media or players.
Thank you in advance, Flut. I'm truly enjoying your great skin.
#247341 FM 2015 FLUT skin - Dark Version v.2.7 [Released 25.07.2015]
Both are working great at the moment.
I love the one on the formation. To me, it's better than the sample i've shown you. It has the name of players, their position and role on it. Yummy...
Thanks a zillion, mate.
#247167 FM 2015 FLUT skin - Dark Version v.2.7 [Released 25.07.2015]
Thanks for your prompt reply. Happy to hear from you.
As for the first question, please take a look at the screenshot below (i took it from another person's skin):
The yellow box that i'm pointing at. Is it possible to have it on your skin..?
As for the second question, indeed, i want to increase the transparency of the match statictics box. Can it be done because i've seen it on other's skin..?
Thanks, Flut. I hope you don't mind helping me.
#247158 FM 2015 FLUT skin - Dark Version v.2.7 [Released 25.07.2015]
Thank you for the great skin. Been truly enjoying it.
However, i'm in need of some help. Please take a look at the screenshots below.
1. How can i insert the match tactics on the red and yellow box..?
2. How can i lighten the match statistics box..?
Really appreciate it if you could help or guide me.
I'm rather noob at computer programming.
Looking forward to your help. Thanks in advance.