marcss.34 Activity
@DokteurHaisse @wfm18 Guys, let me ask about a thing in this update. I think i found a b...
By Hajdučki sin 20 July 2021 - 18:47 PM UTC Big pack from Brasil - include new Seria A,B,C,D an...
That option exist a long time ago in FM21 pre-editor. What we really need is a visualizer in pre-edi...
nice. ty.but a tip… small logos needs to be centered in an area of 25px wide X 18px height to better...
@rabcp more adboards to add in package. Bolívia (Nacional League) Copa Tigo 2021Download...
To those who are having difficulty installing, i updated the installation instructions in the first...
By priority76 16 February 2021 - 17:20 PM UTC Looks like word about the kits viewer hasn't yet...
@rabcp Thank you for inserting my 2020 Brazil Adboards project in yours.So im now posting the...
Parabéns pelos seus kits, poderia converte-los em FC'12? Obrigado.
Black boots to editor... Nothing important, but usefull to who wish do screenshots or dont like base...
By rabcp On 03 February 2021 - 21:46 PM UTCI wont be drawn into an argument but in answer to your qu...
By mons On 03 February 2021 - 21:45 PM [email protected], the adboard patch forum was created specifical...
By rabcp On 03 February 2021 - 21:30 PM UTCThe whole point of this sub forum is for one particular p...
By rabcp On 03 February 2021 - 20:44 PM UTCI have moved this to the 'Other Football Manager Gra...
Hey guys!
I came to share with you some LED adboards and normal boards that i am making for Brazil...
marcss.34 commented on 3D Kits for Other Leagues in the Champions League of Asia, Africa and America
By yanzhihh928 On 26 January 2021 - 02:44 AM UTCSome are old, some are new
I published it only when...
So guys, i've been editing some .DDS files from FM and i also decided change the podium. Below...
It would be possible to insert an option in the viewer to export in png format eliminating the backg...
By R Charlston On 16 January 2021 - 08:24 AM UTCWhere do you put the file, textures?