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#293311 FM 16 BETA Now Live!
#293310 FM 16 BETA Now Live!
#207541 FM 2015 Beta released
Sign up guys GMG has already sent me my activation code and I got an email back from then saying the BETA will be live either by midnight tonight or shortly after don't miss out on the chance to have yours sent out early..
#207299 FM offers with GMG
I recommend as many people as possible get involved in that green man gaming offer its bloody good and with other good titles coming out soon its a great referral scheme .
#207222 FM offers with GMG
I have put my referral link in here and ill explain how you get FM cheaper
Once u have clicked the link and used it to sign up you will get an email to confirm your account and then in a day or 2 max get an email with a welcome pack that will give u 23% off any given title if you use that on FM it gets you the game and the BETA for £23.10 also because you have signed up via my referral Link you will get 2 quid as soon as you buy the game into your account and also I will also get 2 quid for referring someone after you made your first purchase you get your own link to refer folk and every time someone signs up and purchases something with your link you get 2 quid its a great little referral scheme and a very cheap and efficient site I would recommend it to everyone.
The LINK is here : http://www.greenmangaming.com/?gmgr=kebukuci
Get involved guys its superb you will make a lot of credit if you go on the right places and refer folk and you will always get great discounts on your games.