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#17618 Steklo X3 v1.2
Of course! Thanks so much, hugely appreciated. As long as menu bars/widgets etc are more opaque I'll be a happy man.
#17612 Steklo X3 v1.2
I just want to make the widgets and menus more opaque....
#17566 Steklo X3 v1.2
I installed it and placed it in the correct place, I know that much.
Then I added that additional fonts file you uploaded on here...
... but still, It just looks like this. What shall I do?
#17564 Steklo X3 v1.2
#17562 Steklo X3 v1.2
Even worse, this is how the skin looks whenever I try and take a look at another team's matches. Totally unplayable.
#17558 Steklo X3 v1.2
Mine just looks horrible.
#17544 Steklo X3 v1.2
Agh, I have to admit I'm jealous of that.
I still can't seem to change the opacity of the widgets/menus.
I've found the files in graphics/boxes/match/report
I've edited the contrast, but whenever I reload skin they're exactly the same. Its really frustrating. Any advice whatsoever will be seriously appreciated...
#17417 Steklo X3 v1.2
Long shot then I suppose?
No idea how I would go about doing that, shame.
#17407 Steklo X3 v1.2
This is where my ignorance will really show... I'm still not sure how to change the opaqueness of widgets and drop down menus etc. This is the last thing I need to change to make this a perfect skin.
#17221 Steklo X3 v1.2
Can you maybe elaborate a little bit? What do you mean about replacing the graphics/boxes with default?