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#802399 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
Thank you
#802394 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
hello is it possible to get sent a derby county like this and swansea like this the skin im using makes it so difficult to see them thank you
the same as napoli
#802386 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
no idea why it sent twice
#802360 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
hello is it possible to get sent a derby county like this and swansea like this
the skin im using makes it so difficult to see them thank you
#800330 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
Thank you for this
Is it possible for the saxlingham logo to be white Metallic not black it does not look good on my skin
#799884 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
Hello me and my friend are doing a level 20 save and wanted a couple of badges done if possible
they are coming out square not sure if possbile to make it badge like and metallic
#776610 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
Hello i was unsure where to ask but i downloaded an update for the logos and it has replaced the nation badges to flag is it possible to change that back? so instead of flags its the national FA Badge
#771574 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
Hello I have decided to take on the AFc crew challenge and can someone make me a metallic logo please
ID: 2000317688
#737394 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
Stretford Paddock (2000249076)
#708593 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
Ah okay that makes more sense thank you 🙂
#708582 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
Hello Northampton Town Updated there logo this year
#700917 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
Hello Does anyone have a small Logo for derby county as the logo is black and it blends into to my skin
I see you have a derby logo with it being white but no small logo option
#675627 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Hello I seem to have an issue with hansi flick only his face dosent show up in game after installing the cut out megapack but everyone else has a face is there any solution for that?