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#686014 Football Manager 2022 Essentials - Peter Drury Audio Match Commentary
#685997 Football Manager 2022 Essentials - Peter Drury Audio Match Commentary
This is the 3.2 FM 2022 Peter Drury Match commentary.
It has taken me 4 years to add, remove and record the audio for the mod.
How to install the Peter Drury audio match commentary mod
Download the zip file and extract to:
Again the same as last year, please make a backup of your own 2 files then replace with the downloaded files.
If you like my work or have any suggestion please do get in touch. I appreciate the comments I receive and try to help in any way so this pack can be improved.
Also I've added the link to anyone who appreciates my work and would like to make a donation towards the production of this pack.
In the meantime I have been working endlessly on updating this mod spending around 5 hours a day tying to get this better and trying to make it as good as it can be but is becoming so time consuming and trying to flush out all of the bugs.
I have also decided that an updated version is subject to donation due to the time consuming nature of this pack.
The current version is version 3.2 - The most up to date version is 5.4
20 version changes since the original upload upload
For those that have made a donation, you will receive an email with the latest update link, Version 5.4.
Again please do keep me updated with any issues I can fix along the road.
please do try the 3.2 version if you are unsure to get a feel of how this mod works, although the updated version is far superior - It gives the game a whole new refreshing purpose.
Current Donation Version 6.7
PayPal Donation
#685992 Peter Drury Audio Pack
Football Manager 2022 Essentials - Peter Drury Audio Match Commentary
Years and years or reworked sound files, taken from multiple sound files from multiple Sources and also real life action featuring Peter Drury. Re-written to work with FM 2022. Updated as of 18/04/2022
#665154 Football Manager 2021 (PROPER) Audio Commentary patch
My Sound pack should be up and available to download in the coming days !
#657134 Football Manager 2021 (PROPER) Audio Commentary patch
This mod will not work for FM 2022
the reason it wont is that SI have changed the way the file is written and any old triggers will now not trigger due to being totally rewritten. i have made a commentary pack for fm 2021 that has Peter Drury commentating and tried to add this to FM 2022. After inspection of the files they no longer match up with the match evens folder. However ……. i have re-written them over the last 3 nights and hey presto. my commentary pack works.
#450964 Jon Champion FM 2018 Audio Commentary
Because it's the best explanation I could find on how to add the files to the game
But a totally different set of files to yours my friend
#445710 Jon Champion FM 2018 Audio Commentary
work in progress, but ive added Jon Champion to my football manager game, still compiling other sounds and trying to remove ones that repeat but its getting there
#445709 Football Manager 2018 Audio Commentary
Jon Champion