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#625289 SS' kits Template Thread
Marcos Gil
Can someone make the template for the new Denmark kit, please?
#624760 SS' kits Template Thread
Marcos Gil
Can someone make this template, please? Thanks!
#620358 SS' kits Template Thread
Marcos Gil
Can someone make this template, please? Thanks!
#617970 SS' kits Template Thread
Marcos Gil
#609627 SS' kits Template Thread
Marcos Gil
#607291 SS' kits Template Thread
Marcos Gil
#558724 SS' kits Template Thread
Marcos Gil
#556784 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Marcos Gil
#555784 SS' kits Template Thread
Marcos Gil
#554121 SS' kits Template Thread
Marcos Gil
#543417 SS' kits Template Thread
Marcos Gil
#538149 SS' kits Template Thread
Marcos Gil
These are the new shirts for Flamengo, Grêmio and Fluminense for the 2020 season of the brazilian league.