Syd Butoeskor Barrett - Comments

#487743 What happened with FM17 and FM18 data updates?
Syd Butoeskor Barrett
10 years ago
2 years ago
He answered , just look at first post, probably they will upload files shortly if i am not mistaken. I think it is good to mantain the 17. 18 versions as it adds to the options available , match engiines differ between versions , i personally like 17 a lot, but 19 training and tactiics are better so i tend to play both versions with both updated rosters and transfers,,, maybe other people think the same way as i do..
Cheers and number 1 page of FM
#438786 Full Maltese League file for FM17 - now updated for 17.3.0
Syd Butoeskor Barrett
10 years ago
2 years ago
Love your dedication and work! looking forward to manage a maltese team and national team as well, tnks!