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#330797 Europa League 2015/16
King Luis
How anyone can say "well you might have done that under Rodgers" is baffling, have you seen how we performed in cup competitions under Rodgers? We had the one season we challenged for the league, which is looking more and more like an anomaly but aside from that there was nothing to suggest he'd have got us to one cup final let alone two.
Also its not just about what has happened under Klopp but what can happen in the summer, even without European football Klopp has a damn sight more pulling power than Rodgers, players will want to play for him.
#330743 Europa League 2015/16
King Luis
Obviously gutted to not win but still not been a bad half a season under Klopp, papered over the cracks of a fairly average squad and got us to two cup finals. Obviously if we would have had CL football next season it would make things easier in the transfer market but still confident of who we can get.
#330737 Europa League 2015/16
King Luis
#330735 Europa League 2015/16
King Luis
#330734 Europa League 2015/16
King Luis
Was a couple of handball penalty shouts and the ref got the first and third one right i think but the one with Moreno was abit dubious.
#330728 Europa League 2015/16
King Luis
#330726 Europa League 2015/16
King Luis
#330724 Europa League 2015/16
King Luis
#330680 Europa League 2015/16
King Luis
This is right. Only way it would have effected 4th was if City won the CL
#330639 The Night Thread Mk. IX
King Luis
Damn English, going over their and taking their jobs.
#330430 Euro 2016 Squads
King Luis
#330296 2015/16 Barclays Premier League Thread
King Luis
#330226 Euro 2016 Squads
King Luis
That would be a valid argument if we didn't also have Vardy & Kane who have scored 24 odd goals each, France don't exactly have that.
#330078 Euro 2016 Squads
King Luis
Lacazettes scored 21 league goals and your asking if he's actually any good, how else are you meant to judge strikers, on how well they tie their laces?
(Waits for the inevitable "Its only Ligue 1" response)
If you'd have said the same about Gignac then you'd probably have a case but Lacazette should absolutely be in that squad
#330026 Euro 2016 Squads
King Luis
I wonder if there are French or Spanish people on forums saying shit like i wonder if Vardy is actually any good in response to his likely England call up
#330021 The Night Thread Mk. IX
King Luis
Sure man, send me a link in a message
#329948 Euro 2016 Squads
King Luis
#329943 Euro 2016 Squads
King Luis
He'll have a stormer now he'll want a transfer away
#329936 The Lower League Thread
King Luis
#329913 2016/17 Kit Thread
King Luis
#329747 2015/16 Barclays Premier League Thread
King Luis
#329746 2015/16 Barclays Premier League Thread
King Luis
#329602 2015/16 Barclays Premier League Thread
King Luis
#329483 Europa League 2015/16
King Luis
The bloody Johnstone's Paint Trophy had an attendance of nearly 60 thousand this year ffs, and the EL will only have 36 odd
#329402 The Night Thread Mk. IX
King Luis
#329375 Europa League 2015/16
King Luis
So basically its okay to have all these tickets for neutrals because they end up going to touts who in turn sell them to the clubs fans?
#329021 2015/16 Barclays Premier League Thread
King Luis
#329002 Europa League 2015/16
King Luis
#328931 Europa League 2015/16
King Luis
#328904 Europa League 2015/16
King Luis