RinusFM - Comments

#642296 FM21 Adboard Patch - V1.4 [22/09/2021] Update out now!
10 years ago
9 months ago

Oh.. Rep of Ireland updated.. I like <3 Thank you so much. 

#642236 SAGKRZealand Facepack - Regen Face Generator
10 years ago
9 months ago

Great job! Wish I knew this earlier. Back upped the config-file, tho. I was a bit sad I did something wrong and my players lost their faces, but their new faces are ok. I also made it work with staff. Just copied the folder and made a new profile for staff. Works good. Perhaps I can merge the configfiles, but not sure. So thats another 8gb more room on my drive. It has some buts.. like 17 year olds with big beards, but it does it job. And the every year or two doing the steps again is a bit tiresome, but its better than the regenfaces anyway. 


Edit: Ok. Cool. Just put staff into the same config by preserve + staff filter. Works great. Don't mind Staff have new faces anyway. 

Would love more pictures! Where do you get them? 


Edit 2: In an ideal world you want 1 face, 4 ages. I think that would be the next step, tho. I'vea 17 year old who looks like 25. Perhaps in 2030 😀 

#639093 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
10 years ago
9 months ago

Thank you for this mod. It adds so much more atmostphere/ambiance to see the Irish advertisements, etc. 

I've one thing I noticed; while spectating WC in 2028 or so. It was showing Quatar 2022 ads all over the place. 

#458504 Wannachup Instant Result FM19 - All Default Skins
10 years ago
9 months ago
Would love an updated default skin with instant results. SI has made some improvements in their skins.
#448507 FM2019 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM19 v3.0 [released 01/03/2019]
10 years ago
9 months ago
A new update of FM19 beta was released.