BenJamesTheKing - Comments

#183848 Missing Europe + Africa
10 years ago
10 years ago
Would you care to share this with us?
okay so basically, in the editor go to load database, then click the missing africa = europe one and once you are in, go to clubs on the left hand side, type in "bellinzone" or "bellinzona" not sure which one it is lol but then it should have a button that says "extinct" and just tick that and you shoudl be good! hope this helps!
#167075 Missing Europe + Africa
10 years ago
10 years ago
found the extinct button! thanks soooooo much for this! great work
#167041 Missing Europe + Africa
10 years ago
10 years ago
Just untick extinct dude!
Plus make sure everything is set properly when you "bring them back to life", such as their competition is set back to the First Liga Promotion and country is set as Switzerland etc. (think these things default off, from memory)

sorry but where exactly is this extinct button? been looking for it for a while now and i can't seem to find it :/