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#202694 [FM14]Johno's career
#189914 2014/15 Fantasy Football
#188516 BetThread
#188391 BetThread
#185793 The (Invincible) Boys Are Back In Town (Sort Of)
#184270 2014/15 Kit Thread
#183992 What's the last thing you bought thread
#183306 FM14 - Susie On Tour #6: Club Atlético Nacional S.A.
Signed 5 players on free transfers
Sold 1 player and released Rochemback
1st in the league 25 points
League finals losing finalist 5 points
Colombian Cup final loss 20 points
Champions League knockout stage loss 5 points
Rivalries: 2 wins against Millionarios 10 points 5 wins against Medelin 50 points 1 win against Deportivo Calio 5 points 2 wins against America De Cali 10 points
Total = 120 points
Total Total = 324 points
#183303 FM14 - Susie On Tour #6: Club Atlético Nacional S.A.
Signed 6 players on a free
Sold 3 players
2nd in the league 15 points
League finals losing finalist 5 points
Colombian cup second round exit 2 points
rivalries: 5 wins against Millionarios 25 points 4 wins against Medelin 40 points 2 wins against Deportivo Cali 10 points
Total = 97 points
#183294 FM14 - Susie On Tour #6: Club Atlético Nacional S.A.
Signed 7 players on free transfers.
Released all of the youth team and the majority of the reserves.
Sold Angel to Stoke in November for 4k
Super Cup winner 30 points
7th in the league 2 points
Colombian Cup winner 30 points
Rivalries: 1 win against Medelin 10 points 5 wins against Millionarios 25 points 2 wins against Deportivo Cali 10 points
Total = 107 points
#183289 Portugal and beyond [FM14]
Took over with the team bottom of the S-League with ten games left.
Signed 7 players on free transfers.
Released over 30 reserve and youth team players.
#183286 Portugal and beyond [FM14]
Signed ten players in on loan.
Released 11 players.
Knocked out of the Taca de Portugal in the 3rd round.
Knocked out of the league cup in 2nd round.
We were relegated so I resigned have now taken the job at Tanjong Pagar in the S-League.
#183285 Portugal and beyond [FM14]
Signed 1 player on a free transfer and 12 in on loan.
Released 6 players.
Knocked out in the 6th round of the Taca De Portugal by Estoril.
Knocked out in the League Cup 3rd group phase.
Stayed up in our first season.
#183120 BetThread
#182842 BetThread
#181589 Portugal and beyond [FM14]
Signed 7 players on loan and one free transfer.
Released one player.
Went out in the group stage of the league cup.
Out in the 3rd round of the Taca de Portugal
Won the league
#181564 Portugal and beyond [FM14]
Was predicted to finish 18th by the media.
Signed 7 players on free transfers and two on loan.
Released 7 players and sold Neves to Beira-Mar for 11k.
Went out in the group stage of the league cup.
Went out in the 5th round of the Taca de Portugal
Missed out on promotion on goal difference.
#181323 Portugal and beyond [FM14]
#180911 Portugal and beyond [FM14]
Media predicted us to finish first in our group.
Signed 5 players on free transfers and released 2.
Knocked out in Taca de Portugal Second Round.
Finished top of Group E
Finished top of the Promotion Group
Won on penalties against Boavista in the Championship game.
#180883 Portugal and beyond [FM14]
Took over at Naval in Novemeber with the team in 8th
Finished 8th in the National Championship Group E First Phase
Signed two players in January
Finished 2nd in the National Championship Group E Relegation Group
Team was knocked out of the Taca De Portugal in the third round before I joined.
#180875 Portugal and beyond [FM14]
I signed 12 players on free transfers after 14 contracts had expired.
Didn't last many games into the season and was sacked with the team in 8th place.
Will now holiday until I get another job.
#180868 Portugal and beyond [FM14]
Signed 7 players on free transfers and released twelve.
I didn't keep anyone from the youth intake towards the end of the season.
Won in the first round of the Taca De Portugal then lost 3-1 in the next round to Caldas.
Finished 6th in the National Championship Group G 1st Phase.
Finished 4th in the National Championship Group G Relegation Phase.
Next season I am hoping to try in the top two of the first phase.
#180866 Portugal and beyond [FM14]
I don't stories so It will just be end of season updates.
#180297 BetThread
Also have a fiver on Hummels to score any time at 14/1.
#179228 FM14 - Susie On Tour #6: Club Atlético Nacional S.A.
#179204 FM14 - Susie On Tour #6: Club Atlético Nacional S.A.