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#790962 FMG Logo Installation Help
Marcus Mulley
I appreciate the advice,, thank you.
#790920 FMG Logo Installation Help
Marcus Mulley
Thank you for your help, I have now sorted it and logos are showing.
A quick question, I downloaded the complete pack but I see there have been update packs since the initial download. Would you recommend downloading them or not?
#790635 FMG Logo Installation Help
Marcus Mulley
Still didnt have any luck with this logopack, as above I was not able to download the complete logo megapack and had to download them separately. However, I am still having difficulty getting these to show in game, so I deleted the packs from my graphics folder but now for some unknown reason I cannot re-download them.
As I have installed FM 24 on an external harddrive, would that be the issue as to why the logopack wouldnt appear in game? Or is it because I extracted it in the wrong place?
#790551 FMG Logo Installation Help
Marcus Mulley
I was not able to download the complete pack, I had to download them separately - (FMG Logos Megapack). Downloaded initial FM24 file, version 2024.00
#790525 FMG Logo Installation Help
Marcus Mulley
Hi There,
I have recently ppurchased this game and downloaded this logo pack, however I am having great difficulty getting this to work. Now I installed Football Manager 24 on an External HDD as I dont have much space on my disc drive.
Would I need to install the logo pack into the Externall HDD location or the normal Sports Interaction FM24 folder?
All help appreciated.
Kindest regards