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#708046 Ad boards
I'm using last years adboard pack and it is working 100% fine, iv not had one issue yet
#666544 Adboard Patch removed from site
Its like it on mine to
#654220 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
That's all they ever say to me is read above, the admins are not helpful at all, i have no idea what's happening i have tried to read above but absolutely did not help, i thought the admins would of been much more helpful than that.
#654143 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
There is no link to download the FM22 update
#653787 FM2022 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.1 for FM22.4.1 [released on 04/04/2022] - final version
I'm getting an error thing, the file is not downloadable
#650913 FM21 Adboard Patch - V1.4 [22/09/2021] Update out now!
Such an essential addon it makes the game look so much better
#630537 Megapack leagues by Riddler 21.4.0
It would be nice if Holland leagues pack could get done
#623354 FM21 Adboard Patch - V1.4 [22/09/2021] Update out now!
Brilliant, i think this has got to be one of the best addons for football manager i wouldn't be able to play with the default now i have tried these. You have done a brilliant job with these mate thank you.
#622756 FM21 Adboard Patch - V1.4 [22/09/2021] Update out now!
Is there going to be an update's for this, as i think this is one of the best addons you can get for FM and tbf i couldn't play with out it now
#619912 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
i now have the xml files like this and it worked perfect, instead of just the xml file on its own, first of i had it like the second screenshot
#619910 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
Yes mate they are exactly the same as the screenshot you just sent, and i have tested about 10 different saves and they all look to be working fine now as they are all different when in a different nation
Thanks for your help i really appreciate it
#619908 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
I think i have done it, ill show you a couple of different saves
#619906 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
This is where i have it installed and their is a screenshot of the graphics folder
last pic different save
#619899 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
I'm not getting it, i have it like this as their is not another xml file apart from in the actual no club and club adboards
I'm playing in the Swedish league
The last picture is from a different save
#619865 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
I'm on about champions league and Europa league comps like that
#619834 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
Why isn't it showing the European adboards and just showing the normal league ones when i play in competitions my adboards stay the same all the time and i have got non club adboards
the attachment is from a European game
#619787 FM21 Adboard Patch - V1.4 [22/09/2021] Update out now!
Works perfect and looks so much better. I couldn't play without these now
#571181 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Thankyou for that i didn't know about that i'm going to look now
#570332 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
#543841 Realistic Injuries
#512596 Club Banners & Adboards for FM20
#451057 FM2019 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM19 v3.0 [released 01/03/2019]
A false positive is when an antivirus detects a virus in a file which doesn't have one.
oh ok cheers mate
#451029 FM2019 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM19 v3.0 [released 01/03/2019]
Over 44,000 people have downloaded this file already and rest assured there are no viruses at all; it was only a false positive
iv been using this for years this site so it really confused me as it kept saying that it contained a virus so i tried it on deposit and it was fine i have no idea what all that was about and what is a false positive mate
#451018 FM2019 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM19 v3.0 [released 01/03/2019]
#450886 FM2019 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM19 v3.0 [released 01/03/2019]
Yh this is happening for me to it is loading up so slow but when i take them out it fine
#450879 FM2019 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM19 v3.0 [released 01/03/2019]
#450849 FM2019 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM19 v3.0 [released 01/03/2019]
why is it now saying that my pc is infected with a severe trojan after downloading this and i just done a new os yesterday
#450838 FM2019 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM19 v3.0 [released 01/03/2019]
saying it contains a virus and that that aint good
#414861 FM 2018 Staff search issues
thanx mate im gonna try it now
#414576 FM 2018 Staff search issues
like ill search for a data analyst and only 20 will show up things like that and i know that just aint right cause in fm17 at least a couple of hundred would of shown